Ydych chi’n 18 oed? Ydych chi am antur? Os ydych, paratowch i archwilio Ewrop trwy wneud cais am DiscoverEU, menter Undeb Ewropeaidd sy’n rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc deithio.
Ar ôl poblogrwydd rownd y cais cyntaf ym Mehefin 2018, mae ail rownd ymgeisio o ddydd Iau 29 Tachwedd am 11.00am (amser y DU) i ddydd Mawrth 11 Rhagfyr am 11.00am (amser y DU). Mae 12,000 o deithiau teithio ar gael i bobl ifanc deithio ar draws Ewrop.
Yn y rhan fwyaf, byddwch yn teithio ar y trên, gan eich galluogi i ymgymryd ag amrywiaeth ddiddiwedd Ewrop o drefi a thirluniau trawiadol, ac mae’r pasiad DiscoverEU hefyd yn cynnwys dewisiadau amgen fel bysiau neu fferïau. Mewn achosion eithriadol, caniateir teithio ar yr awyren i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd anghysbell neu ar ynysoedd yn gallu cymryd rhan.
Gallwch wneud cais am DiscoverEU yn unig os ydych chi:
• yn 18 mlwydd oed ar 31 Rhagfyr 2018 hy pobl a anwyd rhwng 1 Ionawr 2000 (a gynhwysir) a 31 Rhagfyr 2000 (a gynhwysir);
• yn meddu ar genedligrwydd un o Aelod-wladwriaethau’r Undeb Ewropeaidd;
• llenwch eich rhif adnabod neu’ch pasbort cywir ar y ffurflen gais ar-lein;
• dechreuwch eich taith yn un o Aelod-wladwriaethau’r UE;
• yn bwriadu teithio am gyfnod o rhwng un diwrnod a hyd at fis;
• yn bwriadu teithio rhwng 15 Ebrill 2019 (dyddiad gadael cyntaf) a 31 Hydref 2019 (dyddiad dychwelyd diwethaf);
• yn bwriadu teithio i o leiaf un Aelod-wladwriaeth yr UE;
• yn barod i ddod yn Lysgenhadon #DiscoverEU.
Mae croeso i bobl ifanc ag anghenion arbennig gymryd rhan yn DiscoverEU. Fe’u cynorthwyir gyda gwybodaeth ac awgrymiadau, a gellid ymdrin â chostau cymorth arbennig.
Bydd y cais ar-lein yn digwydd ar Borth Ieuenctid Ewrop o ddydd Iau 29 Tachwedd am 11.00 (amser y DU) i ddydd Mawrth 11 Rhagfyr am 11.00 (amser y DU).
Bydd angen i chi ddarparu eich data personol a rhoi manylion sut y byddwch yn paratoi ar gyfer eich taith. Bydd pum cwestiwn cwis amlddewis ar ddiwylliant ac amrywiaeth Ewrop yn ogystal ag ar fentrau ieuenctid yr UE sy’n targedu pobl ifanc. Yn olaf, bydd angen i chi ateb cwestiwn is-gwmni, a fydd yn caniatáu i DiscoverEU restru ceisiadau.
Rhaid i chi gael pasbort dilys pan fyddwch yn gwneud cais am DiscoverEU. Os nad oes gennych un eto, dysgu sut i wneud cais am eich pasbort oedolyn cyntaf yn y DU.
Are you 18 years old? Are you up for an adventure? If yes, get ready to explore Europe by applying for DiscoverEU, a European Union initiative giving young people the opportunity to travel.
After the popularity of the first application round in June 2018, there is a second application round from Thursday 29 November at 11.00am (UK time) to Tuesday 11 December at 11.00am (UK time). 12,000 travel passes are available for young people to travel across Europe.
For the most part you will be travelling by rail, allowing you to take in Europe’s endless variety of towns and stunning landscapes, and the DiscoverEU pass also covers alternatives such as buses or ferries. In exceptional cases, travel by plane is permitted to ensure that young people living in remote areas or on islands can take part.
You can only apply for DiscoverEU if you:
• will be 18 years old on 31 December 2018 i.e. people born between 1 January 2000 (included) and 31 December 2000 (included);
• have the nationality of one of the Member States of the European Union;
• fill in your correct ID or passport number on the online application form;
• start your journey in one of the EU Member States;
• plan to travel for a time of between one day and up to one month;
• plan to travel between 15 April 2019 (first departure date) and 31 October 2019 (last return date);
• plan to travel to at least one EU Member State;
• are willing to become a #DiscoverEU Ambassador.
Young people with special needs are welcome to participate in DiscoverEU. They will be helped with information and tips, and costs of special assistance might be covered.
The online application will take place on the European Youth Portal from Thursday 29 November at 11.00 (UK time) to Tuesday 11 December at 11.00 (UK time).
You will need to provide your personal data and give details about how you will prepare for your trip. There will be five multiple choice quiz questions on European culture and diversity as well as on EU youth initiatives targeting young people. Finally, you will need to answer a subsidiary question, which will allow DiscoverEU to rank applications.
You must have a valid passport when you apply for DiscoverEU. If you do not yet have one, learn how to apply for your first UK adult passport. Note that passport applications can take a few weeks.