Adult Learning Wales is Recruiting!

The Youth Community and Playwork Team at Addysg Oedolion Cymru / Adult Learning Wales is recruiting for Part Time Associate Tutors to teach on the Youth Support Worker Qualifications.  They deliver these qualifications to youth workers across Wales.  There is a good demand for their courses and there is a need to expand the pool of part time tutors.

To apply you will need to be Professionally Qualified Youth Worker to Level 6 and have a minimum Teaching Qualification at Level 3.  On average, tutors teach 1 course a term in addition to their main youth work post.  There are options to teach more.

All course materials have been written and approved.  Tutors will need to plan delivery and assess learning.  If your application is successful, you will join the Youth Community and Playwork Team of Tutors and Addysg Oedolion Cymru / Adult Learning Wales Tutors.  You will be supported to attend termly Youth Community and Playwork Tutor meetings and training opportunities.

If you are interested, you can download and complete this application pack.  If you would like to discuss this further, please contact;

Welsh Government statement on Coronavirus restrictions;

The Welsh Government has issued a written statement with coverage in the media on the latest easing of restrictions;

We understand that Wales will be moving into Alert Level 3 on May 17th  –

We are in dialogue with Welsh Government with matters members have raised with us concerning youth work provision and COVID restrictions.

We are awaiting a release date of the revised version of the youth work COVID guidance.

As soon as we receive an update we will share this with you

Welch Government Covid19 Guidance –

Thank you