We are inviting individuals and organisations from across the eligible Taith sectors (Schools, Youth, Adult Education, Further Education and Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education) to join our Sector Stakeholder groups. As a new programme, we are continually looking to develop and improve Taith, and stakeholder consultation and input is an essential part of this. The role of the groups will be to:
- Represent the views of their organisation and others within their sector in relation to the continuing development and delivery of the Taith programme, including policy, processes, and communication.
- Provide feedback on ways of working and approaches to design, development, delivery, and impact of the programme.
- Identify and highlight barriers to participation within the relevant sector and provide feedback/advice on how the programme can meet its strategic priorities around inclusion and accessibility.
- Share insights and updates on relevant developments within their sector and alignment with sector priorities.
There will also be opportunities for cross sector sharing of good practice, discussion, and collaboration, with a focus on key thematic priorities.
Meetings will take place quarterly, online, from September 2023. Membership is open to all individuals and organisations within the sectors in Wales with an interest/involvement in Taith and international exchange, and members can join/leave at any point.
Dates for the first round of Sector Stakeholder Groups are as follows:
- Higher Education- 28th September, 10.00-11.00am
- Schools- 28th September, 12.30-1.30pm
- Adult Education- 29th September, 9.00-10.00am
- Youth- 29th September 10.30am- 12.00pm
- Further Education and Vocational Education and Training- 29th September, 2.00-3.00pm
If you or your organisation is interested in joining one of the Sector Stakeholder groups, or want to find out more, please email enquiries@taith.wales.
Grwpiau Rhanddeiliaid Sectorau – Taith
Rydym yn gwahodd unigolion a sefydliadau ledled sectorau gymwys Taith (Ysgolion, Ieuenctid, Addysg Oedolion, Addysg Bellach ac Addysg a Hyfforddiant Galwedigaethol ac Addysg Uwch) i ymuno â’n grwpiau Rhanddeiliaid Sectorau. Fel rhaglen newydd, rydym yn edrych i ddatblygu a gwella Taith yn barhaus, ac mae ymgynghori â rhanddeiliaid a’u cyfraniad yn rhan hanfodol o hyn.
Rôl y grwpiau fydd:
- Cynrychioli barn eu sefydliad ac eraill o fewn eu sector ynglŷn â datblygiad parhaus a darpariaeth rhaglen Taith, gan gynnwys polisi, prosesau a chyfathrebu.
- Rhoi adborth ar ffyrdd o weithio ac ar ymagweddau tuag at ddylunio, datblygu, darparu ac effaith y rhaglen.
- Nodi ac amlygu rhwystrau i gyfranogiad o fewn y sector perthnasol a darparu adborth/cyngor ar sut gall y rhaglen gyflawni ei blaenoriaethau strategol o ran cynhwysiant a hygyrchedd.
- Rhannu mewnwelediadau a diweddariadau ar ddatblygiadau perthnasol yn eu sector ac aliniad gyda blaenoriaethau’r sector.
Bydd cyfleoedd hefyd i rannu arfer da, trafod a chydweithio traws-sector, gan ganolbwyntio ar flaenoriaethau thematig allweddol.
Bydd cyfarfodydd yn cael eu cynnal bob chwarter, ar-lein, o fis Medi 2023. Mae aelodaeth yn agored i bob unigolyn a sefydliad yn y sectorau yng Nghymru sydd â diddordeb/cyfranogiad mewn Taith a chyfnewid rhyngwladol. Mae aelodaeth yn wirfoddol, a gall aelodau ymuno/gadael ar unrhyw adeg.
Mae dyddiadau rownd gyntaf y grwpiau Rhanddeiliaid Sectorau fel y ganlyn:
- Addysg Uwch- Medi 28ain, 10.00-11.00am
- Ysgolion- Medi 28ain, 12.30am-1.30pm
- Addysg Oedolion- Medi 29ain, 9.00-10.00am
- Addysg Ieuenctid- Medi 29ain, 10.30am- 12.00pm
- Addysg Bellach ac Addysg a Hyfforddiant Galwedigaethol- Medi 29ain, 2.00-3.00pm
Os oes gennych chi neu’ch sefydliad ddiddordeb mewn ymuno ag un o grwpiau Randdeiliaid Sectorau, neu os hoffech gael gwybod mwy, e-bostiwch ymholiadau@taith.cymru.