We believe that a passion for conservation can flow through anyone’s life, whatever their day-job.

We want to inspire today’s young people to a long-term belief in the wonder of the natural world, that shapes their dreams and actions however their life turns out. Our Mission: To bring the magic of nature into young people’s lives, inspiring a youth movement committed to conservation and to the earth.

In 2014, young conservationist Hendrikus van Hensbergen took two of his colleagues to his old secondary school to talk to young people about their work. They survived the experience and caught a glimmer of what might be possible if they inspired all young  people to take up their cause.

They decided to recruit all of their friends working in conservation to do the same; visit schools, talk about what they do and encourage involvement in local groups. With the steady decline in UK wildlife, a conservation movement that felt stale and a lack of diversity in the sector, they felt it was their responsibility. Action for Conservation was born with a vision that every young person in the UK is moved and empowered to protect the natural world.   



