Communication from the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board on the potential establishment of a national body for youth work.

Hello all
I hope you are all well. Whilst the summer now feels like a distant memory, I hope you all found some time to relax and refresh over the past few months.

I wanted to provide you with a brief update from the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board on progress to date on one of the recommendations from the Interim Youth Work Board’s final report that the Welsh Government should establish a national body for youth work services in Wales.

As a Board we see this recommendation as being very important, and closely linked to many of the other recommendations made by the Interim Board. However, we also understand that full exploration of the potential role, remit and functions of a national body needs to be undertaken, along with establishing the costs, challenges and benefits of setting up a body of this kind.

The Board have now discussed this recommendation in some detail, working closely with the Welsh Government. Some of you will have also been involved in some initial and high-level discussions with Welsh Government officials as they gather evidence to help Ministers make informed and evidence-based decisions on next steps. I understand that the discussions have been open and honest, but also very thought provoking, especially around how a national body could help strengthen youth work provision as well as support those who deliver those services. Thank you to those who have participated in these initial conversations with Welsh Government officials.

Further work will continue to explore key issues in more detail, including how a national body would work with other structures and organisations already in place, as well as identifying areas which need further support. No decision has yet been made around the establishment of a national body, but engagement will continue with the sector as this work proceeds and we as a Board would encourage everyone across the sector to feed into discussions led by the Welsh Government.

Additionally, hopefully most of you have now seen the consultation on a proposed new statutory framework for youth work. You may have questions around how these two strands of work will link if necessary, and I would like to assure you the proposed new statutory framework is flexible enough to enable it to work with a national body, should one be established. I would urge you all to read and respond to the consultation by the deadline of 10 January 2025.
As always, I wish to pass on my thanks and appreciation to you all as the sector continues to work hard and contribute to sustaining youth work now and for future generations of young people in Wales.

Sharon Lovell,
Chair: Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board