Taith Events this week

By now, many will probably have heard that Taith Pathway 2 has launched, but did you know about the informational events happening this week?

Pathway 2 is focused on the development of international partnerships working towards addressing priorities unique to our sectors and there are three 60 minute sessions happening this week.

Introduction to Pathway 2:

11th of October at 4pm (in English)

13th of October at 4pm (in Welsh)

14th of October at 12pm (in English)


More info and link to registration here; https://www.taith.wales/event/pathway-2-introduction/

Ministerial Statement on registration with the Education Workforce Council

The Youth Engagement Branch at the Welsh Government shared this message with us;

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language published a statement on the consultation held earlier this year on proposed changes to the categories of those required to register with the Education Workforce Council. The statement and summary of responses can be accessed on the Welsh Government’s website.

Thank you to all who responded to the consultation in relation to the proposals associated with youth workers and youth support workers. We will continue to engage with a range of stakeholders on these proposed changes. Any queries on the proposed changes to registration of youth workers and youth support workers should be directed to youthwork@gov.wales


Youth Work Excellence Awards Finalists

The Finalists for the Youth Work Excellence Awards 2022 have been announced today!

We are delighted to see so many of our Members shortlisted, it is wonderful seeing the breadth of brilliant work being recognised across the voluntary and statutory youth sectors in Wales.

The awards are taking place at the Brangwyn Hall in Swansea on the 1st of December.

If you are a finalist and you have queries about allocation of tickets, accessibility of the venue or anything else, please contact Youthworkexcellence.awards@gov.wales

Here you can find the full list of finalists for this year’s Awards

  • Andrew Owen, Cyngor Gwynedd
  • Carly Powell, Caerphilly Youth Services
  • Cynhadledd #FelMerch, Urdd Gobaith Cymru
  • David Stallard, Mixtup
  • David Williams, Torfaen
  • Gwyl Llesiant / Wellbeing Festival, Gwynedd
  • Hannah Lewis, The Hwb, Torfaen
  • Heulwen O’Callaghan, Prosiect Arweinyddiaeth Iau
  • Inspire Youth Work in Hospital (Wrexhan CBC, Flintshire CC, BCHUB)
  • Karen and Jake Henry, Vibe Youth CIC
  • Kieran Saunders
  • Lela Patterson
  • Linda Brackenbury
  • Maheddine Dib, EYST
  • Mick Holt, Flintshire
  • Mindscape Project, Tanyard Youth
  • Mixtup
  • Nick Corrigan, Media Academy
  • Ruth Letten, CONNECT, Adoption UK
  • Sarah McCReadie, Cardiff Youth Service
  • STAND NW Youth Zone
  • Stuart Parkinson, Deaf Hub Wales
  • Yarn Trail, Blaenau Gwent Youth Services
  • Young Creators ‘Nowhere to Go’ project, Conwy Youth Service


Congratulations to you all!


Launch of Taith Pathway 2

Taith Pathway 2 has launched today!

For organisations in the Youth sector interested in applying, you can find all the info on this page here; https://www.taith.wales/pathway_2/youth/overview/

Pathway 2 is focused on the development of international partnerships working towards addressing priorities unique to our sectors.

You can find the Programme Guide for Pathway 2 here; https://www.taith.wales/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Taith-Pathway-2-English.pdf

Though it is early yet, the application form itself can be accessed here; https://cardiff.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/application-form-for-pathway-2-english

It is recommended that applicants work on their applications offline in a word document to avoid losing data.

That may seem quite far away as it is a brand-new Pathway for a relatively new programme, but applications are open until December 1st so you’ve got some time to think of your project ideas and partnerships before the deadline.

Throughout October and November there will be events for people to attend to gather more info, ask questions and look for advice, you can find out more here; https://www.taith.wales/events/

If you have any questions in the meantime you are welcome to email me via; helen@cwvys.org.uk, or link with the Taith team directly via; enquiries@taith.wales

New guidance on the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework

CWVYS members and those interested, the Welsh Government have recently published updated guidance on the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework, you can find a message from Lowri Reed, Senior Youth Engagement and Progression Manager at the Youth Engagement Branch;

I am pleased to announce the publication of new guidance on the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework (‘the Framework’), following a consultation with stakeholders and young people in 2021. Please find links to the new guidance, which consist of an Overview and Handbook.

Strengthening the Framework is a key Programme for Government commitment, and the new guidance is an important milestone as we take forwards this agenda. The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has published a Written Statement to highlight the new guidance and the Framework’s important contribution towards the delivery of our national milestones, including the milestone of ensuring at least 90% of 16 to 24 year olds are in education, employment, or training by 2050.

I would like to thank you all for your contribution towards the development of this guidance.

This information is also being shared with the relevant local authority Directors.

Kind regards,



CWVYS Members have been emailed a number of additional materials which were developed over the summer with the support of a working group, consisting of local authority and Careers Wales representatives.

Youth Support Grant

The Welsh Government has issued criteria for local authorities to bid for additional funding through the Youth Support Grant.

The funding is in relation to supporting two of the Interim Youth Work Board’s recommendations.

Every local authority is therefore able to apply for £20,000 for Welsh language provision and also £20,000 for Equality & Diversity work.


Part of the criteria is that local authorities must work with voluntary organisations to help deliver against these recommendations.

We suggest that you make contact with your local Principal Youth Officer/Youth Service Manager in order to discuss these opportunities

Next Welsh Government Youth Work newsletter

As you likely know, CWVYS supports the Welsh Government to collect articles and news for the Youth Work newsletter.
The next issue is due out in September, so we’d like to encourage you to send us information about your news and events by 31st August.

Please send all information to ellie@cwvys.org.uk

For this next issue the theme is Youth Work and Sustainable development, so you may wish to send in content around this theme, or look to see if any of the other sections best fits the news you’d like to share about your project or organisation.

Here you can find the Style Guide to give you an idea of what the Youth Engagement team at the Welsh Government expects.

You can find previous issues here: https://gov.wales/youth-work-newsletters

To subscribe follow this link: https://gov.wales/subscribe-youth-work-newsletter

We look forward to seeing your submissions!

Please complete this important survey

Please could you take some brief time out of your day to complete Lizzy’s vital survey?


The KESS project – Mapping and Evaluating the Voluntary Youth Work Sector for Wales is a Masters by Research project conducted by the University of South Wales and funded by the European Social Fund in partnership with CWVYS. The research aims to make the voluntary youth work sector more visible and ensure their contributions are valued by all stakeholders. You may be aware that the voluntary sector is under-researched and valued in comparison to statutory services, who have an audit each year. We hope our research can change this.

To do so, we would value your contribution to our short online survey. If you are an organisation that provides voluntary youth work services for young people in Wales, please follow the link below to the survey which simply captures the nature of your organisation and the support provided to young people. Survey completion should take no more than 15 minutes. Your time and comments are greatly valued.


To start the survey, please follow this link: https://southwales.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/mapping-and-evaluating-the-voluntary-youth-work-sector-for-7


Please also share the survey link and information among your networks (e.g. by email or social media) – the more responses we receive the better we can represent the experiences of the sector as a whole and the young people they support.

You will find further information on the project at the beginning of the survey, however, should you have any questions or feedback on the research, please feel free to contact the researcher by email: Elizabeth.bacon@southwales.ac.uk

You can also follow this work on the following social media platforms;

Thank you in advance for your input. With your support we hope we can deliver on bringing the change and representation the sector needs.


Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships (KESS 2) is a pan-Wales higher level skills initiative led by Bangor University on behalf of the HE sector in Wales. It is part funded by the Welsh Government’s European Social Fund (ESF) convergence programme for West Wales and the Valleys.


Apprenticeships Summer Campaign

Golley Slater have created a folder of assets for those interested  in supporting the Apprenticeships Summer Campaign which begins Monday 15th August.

The content can be downloaded here: Apprenticeship summer campaign – stakeholder assets

Additionally here you can find;

Apprenticeship sectors animation ^

All content is in Welsh and English and there are included suggestions of some social copy which you’re welcome to use. If you are getting involved to promote the scheme to the young people you engage with, could you please use the hashtag #ResultsDay2022

If you would like to find out more or to access more resources including a longer animation, please email Ellie Thorne via  ethorne@golleyslater.co.uk

Update from the Chair of the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board

An update from the Chair of the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board, Sharon Lovell MBE


Helo Pawb / hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well in this very hot weather and staying safe. I wanted to provide you with an update on what is happening in terms of the work of the Strategy Participation Groups (SPG’s) as we transition to the new Implementation Board.

As I am sure most of you know, in June the Interim Youth Work Board held its final meeting, which gave us the opportunity to reflect on the successes that we, as a sector, have achieved. We are so proud of what has been achieved together and I am very much looking forward to progressing our work further to ensure youth work is sustainable for Wales. It also enabled us to discuss the need for the change of focus from talking about what needs to be done, to taking action!

This has begun with the appointment of the new Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board, and I am delighted that I will Chair the new Board. I am already working on the recruitment of the remaining Board members for the Minister for Education and Welsh Language to agree. I would like to thank all those who have expressed an interest in the new Board posts, and I am confident we will have a strong Board in place shortly and we hope to be able to meet for the first time in September.

As there is now a small space before the first meeting will take place, I wanted to provide a brief update of my thinking with the work of the SPG’s, and also to thank you all for the valuable contribution you have made in helping us get to a point of being able to move forward with implementation of the former Board’s recommendations.

What is clear to me is that we need to ensure we continue to work in a collaborative and effective way, so we continue to move forward together as a sector, sharing knowledge and skills along the way. The feedback provided in the All SPG meeting on 2 March this year suggests you all welcomed the participatory approach and can see the benefits of this going forward. It was recognised that in line with the recommendations, the SPG’s work may need to be refocused, the groups may need to be renamed, and consideration must now be given to the remit and membership of these groups. More examples of your feedback from the meeting is attached.

I have therefore taken the decision following discussions with the current Chair’s of the SPG’s, that the majority, but not all, of the work they were undertaking will pause until the new Board has met and considered next steps both for the SPG’s and for our own workplan. There are some activities that are continuing which is mainly where early action will be helpful to the new Board’s initial discussions, and of course for longer term work around marketing and communications.  The way in which the SPG’s will operate in the future will be a priority for the new Board in its initial meetings and I will write out to you all as quickly as possible following the discussions both to outline our intentions, and to seek membership for these groups. This will also provide the opportunity to ensure we can be clear about what the leadership role of the new Board will be for these groups. I am particularly keen to understand what that may mean in terms of ensuring we are considering the needs of all young people in Wales to ensure equality of access for everyone.

I hope many of you will continue to be interested and passionate about helping us drive forward this work over the next few years, and again I can only say how grateful I am for all the work you have done so far. I hope we can build on this to ensure we have a youth work model in Wales we can all say we helped to develop, and that we are proud of for all young people.


Best wishes



Feedback from All SPG network meeting 2 March 2022

Question from the breakout session – review and evaluate the work of the SPG’s. What has gone well, what could be improved and what comes next?

Overall the SPG’s have provided fantastic networking opportunities throughout the whole time of the SPG groups running. We have been able to share and connect, stay informed, particularly over the issues relating to the pandemic.

  • The workplans were an opportunity to develop models for the future, working together
  • There was a lot of discussion around the capacity of individuals and organisations to engage with the work and the workplans when they were developed. There was a suggestion that senior leadership buy-in was needed within organisations to ensure that their employees had the time to participate in the work of the groups.
  • Its really important to ensure that the right people are involved in the groups, and the groups must have focus and direction.
  • Some of the work needs to continue as the implementation of the recommendations is taking forward. However, they need to consider changing the names to reflect the move into a different phase of work.
  • Recognised the need for stability of membership – the right membership who are able to support the work, but also to get people in as needed for specific levels of expertise and skills.
  • Welcomed the opportunity to meet online which helped to bring people together from all over Wales, and to attend fairly regularly as it can fit into other work throughout the day.
  • They provide an opportunity to work closely with Welsh Government Officials which was welcomed.
  • Consideration of workplans and crossover between some of the groups needs to be considered further.
  • Whilst groups were keen to recruit young people to participate in the groups, overall this didn’t work well and was inconsistent across the SPG’s. Further work needs to be done to consider how the voice of young people is captured and responded to.
  • There is a need to ensure a continued participatory approach in future working groups, and the groups need to be appropriately resourced including to support the involvement of young people.
  • There is a need for a clear youth work brand to help underpin everything, which is integral to the longer term strategy attached to it, and can help young people identify they are attending youth work services/attract them to services, and also to attract professionals to work in the sector.


Successful Summer of Fun applicants

Thanks to support from the Welsh Government’s Play & Communities Summer Of Fun programme, CWVYS has awarded 30 grants totalling £216,718.34 to the following CWVYS member organisations;

Adoption UK Cymru, BAD Bikes, Boys and Girls Clubs of Wales, Bridgend Carers, Bryncynon Strategy, Challenge Wales, Community Music Wales, Cwmbran Centre for Young People, Dal Dy Dir, EYST, Foothold Cymru, GISDA, KPC Youth, Media Academy Cymru, Mencap Cymru, NYAS Cymru, ProMo Cymru, Radnor Young Farmers Club, Spectacle Theatre, St John Cymru, Stephens & George Centenary Charitable Trust, Swansea MAD, SYDIC, TAPE Music & Film, The Tanyard Youth Project, Twyn Community Hub, UCAN Productions, YMCA Bridgend, YMCA Cardiff and YMCA Swansea! Waw!

Between them they will offer Summer of Fun activities across Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Carmarthenshire, Conwy, Denbighshire, Gwynedd, Merthyr Tydfil, Pembrokeshire, Powys, RCT, Swansea, Torfaen, Vale of Glamorgan, Wrexham and Ynys Mon.

Huge congratulations to them and we’re looking forward to a happy #SummerOfFun !


21/07/22 All Wales CWVYS meeting

21st July 2022 All Wales CWVYS meeting – 10am – 11.30am

The next All Wales CWVYS Members meeting which will be held on July 21st.  It will be a themed meeting with Welsh Government Officials on the Curriculum for Wales and Community Schools.

The agenda will include an opportunity for you to share details of your provision, an update on matters regarding youth work in Wales, to network and an opportunity to ask questions to CWVYS and its membership.


  1. CURRICULUM FOR WALES UPDATE AND TIMETABLE from Welsh Government officials
  2. COMMUNITY SCHOOLS update from Welsh Government officials
  3. Members update


RSVP – Catrin@cwvys.org.uk

The joining links will be sent out to you on Wednesday July 20th.