Leading Curriculum for Wales Conference | Cynhadledd Arwain Cwricwlwm i Gymru

Leading Curriculum for Wales

Wednesday 21 June 10am-4pm

International Convention Centre Wales (The Coldra, Catsash Road, Newport, Wales, NP18 1HQ)

We are excited to announce our first in-person Leading Curriculum for Wales conference on the 21st June 10am-4pm.

The conference is designed for senior leaders from schools, the youth work sector and PCET sector and will explore progression.

The event includes sessions with Professor Mick Waters and Dr Georgina Haarhoff, Deputy Director of Curriculum and Assessment (Welsh Government), and workshops with Professor Andy Penaluna, Jessica Leigh-Jones MBE (iungo Solutions) and Kate Williams (Caterpillar Business Psychologists).

Practitioners from across the sectors will also be sharing their experiences of leading the curriculum.

Free, booking essential: https://nael.cymru/events/leading-curriculum-for-wales/

Arwain Cwricwlwm i Gymru

Dydd Mercher 21 Mehefin 10yb-4yp

Canolfan Gynadledda Ryngwladol Cymru (Y Coldra, Catsash Road, Casnewydd, Cymru, NP18 1HQ)

Rydym yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi ein cynhadledd wyneb yn wyneb cyntaf Arwain Cwricwlwm i Gymru ar 21 Mehefin 10yb-4yp.

Mae’r gynhadledd wedi’i chynllunio ar gyfer uwch arweinwyr o ysgolion, y sector gwaith ieuenctid a’r sector AHO a bydd yn archwilio dilyniant.

Mae’r digwyddiad yn cynnwys sesiynau gyda’r Athro Mick Waters a Dr Georgina Haarhoff, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Cwricwlwm ac Asesu (Llywodraeth Cymru), a gweithdai gyda’r Athro Andy Penaluna, Jessica Leigh-Jones MBE (iungo Solutions) a Kate Williams (Caterpillar Business Psychologists).

Bydd ymarferwyr ar draws y sectorau hefyd yn rhannu eu profiadau o arwain y cwricwlwm.

Rhad ac am ddim, cofrestru’n hanfodol:  https://nael.cymru/cy/events/leading-curriculum-for-wales/

ESTYN Inspection Model for Youth Work Services – Model arolygu ar gyfer gwasanaethau gwaith ieuenctid.

Have your say in the latest ESTYN survey for Youth Work Services!

We wish to draw your attention to the survey below and would very much appreciate your feedback to inform developments in the inspection of the youth work sector.

At present youth work is considered within the Local Government Education Services (LGES) inspections. During 2021-22 we held three successful pilot inspections of youth work services within the LGES framework which included extensive observation activity. 

We therefore propose to develop a standalone inspection model for youth work services in Wales, in line with the current national developments in youth work.

We would very much appreciate your co-operation in completing and circulating the survey amongst relevant colleagues and organisations to ensure that we consider views from across the whole sector. 

The survey will be open until 15 May.

Please see a link to the survey here; https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/YouthWorkServicesEstynConsultation/


Hoffem dynnu eich sylw at yr arolwg isod a byddem wir yn gwerthfawrogi eich adborth i lywio datblygiadau mewn arolygu’r sector gwaith ieuenctid.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae gwaith ieuenctid yn cael ei ystyried mewn arolygiadau o Wasanaethau Addysg Llywodraeth Leol (GALlL). Yn ystod 2021-22, cynhaliom dri arolygiad peilot llwyddiannus o wasanaethau gwaith ieuenctid oddi mewn i’r fframwaith GALlL, a oedd yn cynnwys gweithgarwch arsylwi helaeth.

Felly, rydym yn cynnig datblygu model arolygu arunig ar gyfer gwasanaethau gwaith ieuenctid yng Nghymru, yn unol â’r datblygiadau cenedlaethol cyfredol mewn gwaith ieuenctid.

Byddem yn gwerthfawrogi eich cydweithrediad yn fawr o ran llenwi a dosbarthu’r arolwg ymhlith cydweithwyr a sefydliadau perthnasol i sicrhau ein bod yn ystyried safbwyntiau ar draws y sector cyfan.

Bydd yr arolwg ar gael tan 15 Mai.

Dilynwch y linc yma – Consultation – Estyn’s inspection arrangements for youth services from September 2024 (smartsurvey.co.uk)


Diary Marker for Youth Work Managers!

Diary Marker for Youth Work Managers!

Dates are now available for the Youth Work Leadership and Management Programme. If you are responsible for leading or managing the youth work functions of your organisation, or a substantial part of them, then this course could be for you. It’s an excellent opportunity to enhance skills and confidence to lead youth work services effectively at a time of significant complexity and change in Wales. The programme is co-ordinated by ETS Wales and supported by WLGA, CWVYS, the Wales Principal Youth Officers Group, TAG Cymru (Youth Work training providers at HE and FE level), National Academy for Educational Leadership in Wales.

Here is an overview of the next programme.

Induction [online]: 6 June 12pm

Module 1 Leading modern Youth Work: 13-14 June [Wrexham]

Module 2 Leading and managing the delivery of high-quality Youth Work: 12-13 July [Wrexham]

Module 3 Leading and managing Youth Work across the whole system 13-14 September [Wrexham]

Please note, apart from the induction, modules will be delivered face-to-face, in North Wales.

*The Youth Work Leadership and Management Programme has recently been endorsed by the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales.

Details of the application process will be publicised in due course but if you would like further information, please contact emma@ec-consultancy.co.uk.


Dyddiad ar gyfer Dyddiaduron Rheolwyr Gwaith Ieuenctid!

Mae dyddiadau bellach ar gael ar gyfer Rhaglen Arwain a Rheoli Gwaith Ieuenctid. Os ydych yn gyfrifol am arwain neu reoli swyddogaethau gwaith ieuenctid eich sefydliad, neu ran sylweddol ohonynt, yna gallai’r cwrs hwn fod i chi. Mae’n gyfle gwych i wella sgiliau a hyder i arwain gwasanaethau gwaith ieuenctid yn effeithiol ar adeg o gymhlethdod a newid sylweddol yng Nghymru.  Cydlynir y rhaglen gan ETS Cymru a’i chefnogi gan CLlLC, CWVYS, Grŵp Prif Swyddogion Ieuenctid Cymru, TAG Cymru (darparwyr hyfforddiant Gwaith Ieuenctid ar lefel AU ac AB) a’r Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru.

Dyma drosolwg o’r rhaglen nesaf.

Ymsefydlu [ar-lein]: 6 Mehefin 12pm

Modiwl 1 Arwain Gwaith Ieuenctid modern: 13-14 Mehefin [Wrecsam]

Modiwl 2 Arwain a rheoli’r gwaith o gyflawni Gwaith Ieuenctid o ansawdd uchel: 12-13 Gorffennaf [Wrecsam]

Modiwl 3 Arwain a rheoli Gwaith Ieuenctid ar draws y system gyfan: 13-14 Medi [Wrecsam]

Sylwch, heblaw am yr ymsefydlu, bydd modiwlau’n cael eu cyflwyno wyneb yn wyneb, yng Ngogledd Cymru.

* Cafodd y Rhaglen Arwain a Rheoli Gwaith Ieuenctid ei chymeradwyo’n ddiweddar gan yr Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru.

Bydd manylion y broses ymgeisio yn cael eu cyhoeddi maes o law ond os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch ag emma@ec-consultancy.co.uk.

Welsh Government Vacancy; Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager

The Welsh Government are offering a secondment opportunity to work on the development of two workstreams – an information exchange for Wales as part of a digital youth work offer to young people, and a Young Person’s Entitlement Scheme.

Further details about this opportunity are provided here; Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager – Youth Information Service, YP Entitlement Scheme – Secondment – English

The closing date for expressions of interest is Wednesday 19 April.


Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Grant: Round 2

Please see below a message from the Welsh Government about the second round of the SVYWO grant:

We are pleased to announce that a second round of funding will be made available via the Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisation grant (SVYWO). This round will run from May 2023 to March 2025.

Here you can find the guidance and application forms should you wish to apply;

Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Grant 2023-2025 (Round 2) – Information for grant applicants – English

Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Grant – Application form 2023-2025 (Round 2) – English

These documents will also be available on the Welsh Government’s website shortly. 

Please note that a Voluntary Youth Work Organisation Support Scheme (VYWOSS) will also open shortly. The VYWOSS will provide a lower level of funding for voluntary organisations during 2023-24.

The Scheme will be administered by CWVYS.

Further details will be made available shortly. Please note that organisations awarded funding via the SWYVO will not be eligible to also access funding via the VYWOSS and vice versa.

Any queries on the SVYWO should be sent to youthwork@gov.wales


Reducing the Criminalisation of care experienced children and young adults in Wales: A Practical Toolkit for Professionals

This toolkit aims to turn the principles in the All Wales Protocol: reducing the criminalisation of care experienced children and young adults into practice.

They hope it will be used extensively as a resource to train and support multi agency colleagues working with care experienced children and young adults.

National Charity Missing People in partnership with Llamau and consultant Claire Sands were commissioned by the Children’s Commissioning Consortium Cymru (4Cs) to develop this toolkit, you can find all the information as well as details of free training events on the Missing People website here: https://www.missingpeople.org.uk/reducing-the-criminalisation-of-care-experienced-children-and-young-adults-in-wales-a-practical-toolkit-for-professionals#section-4

WCIA Wales Young Peacemakers Awards 2023 recently launched!

Would you like the children and young people you work with to be recognised for their contribution to peace, sustainability and equality at an international event in Wales? 

If so, encourage them to enter for this year’s Young Peacemakers Awards 2023!
On 6th July 2023 the Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA) and the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod will host a Young Peacemakers Awards Ceremony at the Eisteddfod where young people will receive a certificate and an award.

WCIA invite children and young people (between 5 and 25 yrs old) to get creative and express their thoughts, feelings and dreams about how the world can be a more peaceful, equitable and sustainable place – through words, art or digital media.
Individual young people or groups can enter under the following categories:

  • Young Peacemaker of the year
  • Young Peace Writer of the year (categories for Primary and Secondary-aged young people)
  • Young Peace Artist of the year (categories for Primary and Secondary-aged young people)
  • Young Global Citizen of the year
  • Young Peace Organisation of the year (for larger youth organisations)

It is also acceptable to nominate someone, with their permission.
The closing date for applications is 12th June, 2023. 

You can find a fuller description of the categories, and the terms and conditions for the Awards here, as well as an application form.

Please send your entries to centre@wcia.org.uk.

Extra Support for Youth Work in Wales

Please find below information from the Welsh Government Youth Engagement team about extra support available for the Youth Sector in Wales;

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has recently agreed to offer further support to the youth work sector to address some of the challenges of the cost-of-living crisis and protect services as we continue to work with the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board and other stakeholders on developing and progressing the recommendations of the Interim Youth Work Board. These actions will help respond to the changing needs of young people and organisations’ ability to continue to deliver services that best meet those needs, whilst further work is done to advance the Interim Board’s recommendations.

An overview of these changes is provided below. We will be in touch with current grant recipients and other relevant organisations shortly to provide more details on next steps.


Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisation (SVYWO) Grant

The SVYWO grants were originally awarded in early 2022, and currently run from April 2022-March 2024. We will be offering more support via this grant from April 2023 onwards, as follows:

  • Current SVYWO grant recipients will be invited to review their plans for 2023-24 to take into account changing circumstances, demand for services, and address any shift in the needs of young people since bids were submitted in autumn 2021.
  • Current SVYWO grant recipients will be invited to apply for continuation of funding for a further year (to March 2025).
  • We will open a second round of funding via the SVYWO grant for voluntary youth work organisations who were not successful in their applications for the first round, who were not in a position to bid for the first round, or whose circumstances may have changed and would now wish to bid for funding. This new round is planned to run from April 2023-March 2025.


Youth Support Grant

We are planning to make further funding available to local authorities for a two-year period (April 2023-March 2025) via the Youth Support Grant. This additional support  will aim to protect and strengthen partnership working with voluntary organisations and address the challenges mentioned above. A maximum of an additional 5% over and above current allocations will be made available to local authorities for this purpose. Funding will be expected to be focused on delivery of services.


Voluntary Sector Support

We will be working with CWVYS to pilot a new sector support scheme for voluntary youth work organisations during 2023-24. This will be focused on providing  organisations with quick and easy access to funding to help alleviate some of the current challenges. Criteria and processes for this scheme will be developed over the next few weeks with the aim of opening the application process in April 2023. More information will be available on this scheme in due course.


Workforce development

In light of the Interim Youth Work Board’s recommendation on workforce development and the challenges relating to recruitment, retention and training, additional support is being made available to ETS during 2023-25 to help extend opportunities in this space across the sector. This expansion will help us better understand the key issues relating to workforce development as well as identifying ways to support practitioners in their youth work careers. This work will focus on supplementing and enriching current opportunities. Planning for this work is at an early stage and the sector will be engaged in its development. Further information will be made available in due course.

Rescheduled Taith events

The Taith team have now rescheduled the postponed beneficiary sessions to next week.

Please find links to register below if you are able to attend.

Beneficiaries will be provided with information on reporting, making project changes, requesting additional funding and will be shown the members area of the Taith website.


Monday 06 March 12:30-1:30 pm (Welsh)

Monday 06 March 4-5 pm (English)

Thursday 09 March 12:30-1:30pm (English)

Taith events

Just a reminder from us that there are still a couple of Taith events for you to attend before the closing date for Pathway 1 applications on the 16th of March.

The next events are on Tuesday the 7th and Thursday the 9th of March and they are question and answer sessions:

If you’d like to discuss your ideas for an application with the Sector Organising Body for Youth, contact Welsh Centre for International Affairs Taith Coordinator Vicky Court vickycourt@wcia.org.uk

Pathway 1 Q&A session (please click on the dates to be linked to the registration page):

As ever, questions and comments are welcomed in English or Welsh at each event, the language in brackets merely describes the language the event will be conducted in.

You can find a list of resources compiled in one place on our website here:

Cranfield Trust Charity Connect day

To CWVYS members and other charities in Wales!

Please see these attachments and the message further below from Jayne Kendall at the Cranfield Trust.

Cranfield Contact Day A4 flyer

Cranfield staff biographies

They are holding a Charity Connect day on the 2nd of March.
This will be a whole day of FREE expert advice for charities.
Register and book an appointment if you or your organization have any advice you’re looking for.


With the increased and immediate pressures charities are facing in the current climate we are offering a full day of FREE specialist advice for charities to access the personal support they need during a dedicated telephone appointment.

If you have any burning questions for our team of volunteers please do register too!

Date: Thursday 2 March 2023

Time: Appointments available 9am – 5pm


On this dedicated day, charities can book a timeslot for a personal telephone appointment with one of our expert Volunteers or Regional Managers to help address whatever immediate challenge they may be facing.  Appointments will be available throughout the day but will be limited so do not delay!


Booking is quick and easy – simply complete our online form and we will do the rest!


What can we help with?

Every question is different and we can help with lots of things including (but not limited to):

  • Financial planning and strategy
  • Governance
  • Insolvency
  • Leadership
  • Change management
  • Digital strategy and content
  • Cost cutting
  • Signposting


Or, we can simply provide a sounding board for whatever challenge charities maybe facing.

Best wishes

Jayne Kendall 😊

Regional Manager Wales