Ydych chi rhwng 13 a 35 oed? Dywedwch wrthym am eich profiad yn chwilio am wybodaeth am gyfleoedd dramor hyd at 25 Tachwedd I helpu Eurodesk UK wella gwybodaeth am symudedd.

Mae’r arolwg yn cymryd tua 10 munud i’w ateb a gallwch ennill cerdyn anrheg o’ch dewis!

Bydd gan y rhai sy’n gorffen yr arolwg y posibilrwydd o gymryd rhan mewn raffl i dynnu 3 cherdyn rhodd.
1af Prize: cerdyn rhodd Euro 50 naill ai yn Amazon, Netflix neu iTunes
2il and 3ydd Prize: cerdyn rhodd 25 Euro naill ai yn Amazon, Netflix neu iTunes

Rheolau cystadlu
Rhaid i chi orffen ateb yr holl arolwg erbyn 25 Tachwedd.
Rhaid i chi gytuno i gymryd rhan yn y gystadleuaeth.
Dim ond un cofnod y person y byddwn yn ei dderbyn.

Gallwch ddod o hyd i’r arolwg yma;

Are you between 13 and 35 years old? Tell Eurodesk about your experience searching for information about opportunities abroad to improve mobility information.

The survey takes around 10 minutes to answer and you can win a gift card of your choice!

Those who finish the survey will have the possibility to participate in a prize draw of 3 gift cards.
1st Prize: 50 EURO gift card at either Amazon, Netflix or iTunes
2nd and 3rd Prize: 25 EURO gift card at either Amazon, Netflix or iTunes

Competition Rules
You must finish answering the entire survey by 25 November.
You must agree to participate in the competition.
We accept only one entry per person.

You can find the survey here;


Efallai y byddwch yn cofio bod CWVYS wedi lansio bwrsari yn unig i aelodau CWVYS yn ein CCB yr haf ‘ma.

Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a wnaeth gais!

O’r diwedd, dyma’r penderfyniadau…

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i

Clwbiau Bechgyn a Merched Cymru
Carmarthenshire Young Carers
KPC Ieuenctid a cymuned
Ministry of Life
National Youth Advocacy Service
Gwyl Grai
Talking Hands
Volunteering Matters Wales
YMCA Abertawe


Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weld eich prosiectau creadigol anhygoel dros y misoedd nesaf!


Mae Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg (CGA) wedi lansio ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus ar newidiadau i’w God Ymddygiad Proffesiynol ac Ymarfer ar gyfer cofrestreion.

Rhaid i unrhyw un sy’n gweithio fel athro neu mewn rôl cefnogi dysgu mewn ysgol a gynhelir neu goleg addysg bellach fod wedi cofrestru â CGA a chydymffurfio â’i God. Mae’r un peth hefyd yn berthnasol i ymarferwyr dysgu seiliedig ar waith a gweithwyr cymorth ieuenctid a ieuenctid cymwys.

Mae’r Cod yn nodi’r safonau a ddisgwylir gan y rhai sydd wedi’u cofrestru â CGA ac fe’i bwriedir i helpu ac arwain eu hymddygiad a’u dyfarniadau yn y gwaith o fewn a thu allan i’r gwaith. Fodd bynnag, mae hefyd yn darparu diogelu pwysig i ddysgwyr, rhieni a’r cyhoedd gan ei fod yn nodi’r hyn y gallant ei ddisgwyl gan unrhyw un sy’n gweithio ym myd addysg yng Nghymru.

Maent yn awyddus i glywed gan nifer o bobl â phosibl, gan gynnwys cofrestreion, y cyhoedd a’r rhai sydd â diddordeb mewn sicrhau bod pob dysgwr yng Nghymru yn cael addysg o ansawdd uchel. Maent yn eich annog i roi eich barn ac i’w helpu i ddatblygu Cod sy’n gadarn, yn glir ac yn gryno.

Mae’r dogfennau ymgynghori i’w gweld yma.

Daw’r ymgynghoriad i ben ar 14 Rhagfyr 2018.


Rydym yn gynhyrfus iawn o roi gwybod ichi bod y ceisiadau i fod yn Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ar agor.
Os gwyddoch am unrhyw berson ifanc rhwng 11 a 18 oed sy’n byw yng Nghymru neu’n cael ei addysg yma ac sydd â diddordeb mewn sefyll yn yr etholiad, gall gael rhagor o wybodaeth a llenwi’r ffurflen enwebu ar wefan Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru

Hefyd, i unrhyw un nad yw wedi cofrestru i bleidleisio eto, gallwch wneud hynny hyd at 18 Tachwedd

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu os hoffech inni ddod allan i siarad yn eich ysgol neu grŵp, cysylltwch â ni ar


We wanted to update you on progress with the Mind Over Matter report.

This week the Welsh Government has announced the establishment of a Ministerial Task and Finish Group chaired jointly by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services. The Chair of the Assembly’s CYPE Committee, Lynne Neagle AM, has issued the following response, and a formal media release will follow on Monday:

“I welcome the establishment of this Group as a direct response to the very significant concerns outlined by the Children, Young People and Education Committee in our recent report on the emotional and mental health of children in Wales. The Committee looks forward to working with the Welsh Government to ensure that the necessary action is taken to deliver, as a matter of urgency, the step change needed to support our children and young people’s emotional well-being. Cross-sector and cross-professional cooperation is key to this, and as an independent participant in the Group’s work, I will do all I can to ensure that a ‘whole-system’ approach to emotional and mental health is delivered for Wales’s children and young people.”

The establishment of the Group follows the publication of the CYPE Committee’s Mind Over Matter report in April 2018. The report called on the Welsh Government to deliver a step change in the emotional and mental health support provided to children and young people in Wales, stating that the urgent challenge lies in prevention and early intervention services. The Committee concluded that the costs of emotional and mental ill health – both personally to the individuals and families involved, and to the public purse – are too high for the flow not to be stemmed earlier.

In July 2018, the Committee rejected the Welsh Government’s written response to its report. Cross-party disappointment was expressed on the floor of the Senedd Chamber, and calls made by the Committee for the Cabinet Secretaries to revisit their response. Following the announcement of the Ministerial Task and Finish Group, the Committee has called for a revised written response by March 2019, to reflect the work of the Task and Finish Group and the ongoing work of the Together for Children and Young People Programme.


The Youth Work Reference Group (YWRG) met on 10 August 2018.
They have now met 6 times this year, further details of the current role of this group is in Annex A. The purpose of circulating the following key messages is to enable the sector to understand the work that the YWRG has been undertaking, and that which is planned.


Key Messages
• At the latest meeting, the YWRG met again with Keith Towler, Chair of the Interim Youth Work Board for Wales. They discussed the role and remit of both the Board and the YWRG and agreed that there needed to be a changed focus for the Group. Therefore from the October 2018 meeting the YWRG will change to a Youth Work Stakeholder Group. The work of the group will feed into the work plan of the Board and further discussions about this will take place once the Board is established. As part of this there will be further consideration of the Terms of Reference of this group and the membership.

• The group discussed the Estyn Report `Youth Support Services in Wales – The value of Youth Work’. They welcomed the opportunity for this discussion to take place, it was broadly acknowledged that the report was timely and the findings will now feed into the development of the new Youth Work Strategy.
• The group were made aware that Keith Towler would shortly be sending out two statements, the first to the wider sector giving them information about his role and his intentions over the next two years; Message from the Chair – Sector CYM ENG the second aimed at young people; Message from the Chair – Young People CYM ENG . Keith asked all group members to disseminate the messages when they were published to their own stakeholders, and any young people they work with.

• The group received a presentation from Kelly Harris from the Welsh Youth Parliament. They welcomed the opportunity to have an update on how things were progressing, and to have the opportunity to work with Kelly and her colleagues going forward as the Parliament develops, and to further explore how this can help to shape the development of the Youth Work Strategy.

The group discussed the need for Welsh language support and provision to be a key part of the new Strategy, linking in with other work such as Cymraeg 2050. The group agreed there needed to be greater coherence with the way services are both funded and provided across Wales and this would be a challenge for the Board going forward.

Annex A
The Youth Work Reference Group (YWRG) was established in December 2014 to support Ministers to implement the National Youth Work Strategy. The remit of the group has changed over time and revised Terms of Reference were agreed in January 2018 which states;
“the purpose of the Group is to provide advice, support, guidance and challenge to Welsh Ministers and the Welsh Government on youth work in Wales. The Group has no executive powers and is advisory in its purpose.”
In March 2018, the Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning set out her intention to develop a new long term National Youth Work Strategy, and recruit a new interim Youth Work Board. Details of the statement she made in March can be found <here>.

The YWRG have played a key role in taking forward this work and the members of the group have remained committed to work needed in developing a new Youth Work Strategy for Wales. This has included giving consideration to key areas that will underpin the strategy, and processes for engaging with young people and the sector in its development.
Current membership of the YWRG includes representatives from the Welsh Government, the Welsh Local Government Agency, local authorities, Principal Youth Officers, Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services (CWVYS), Estyn, The Professional Association of Lecturers in Youth and Community Work (known as TAG), Education Workforce Council (EWC), Education Training Standards Wales (ETS), Trade Unions, the Association of Directors of Education in Wales (ADEW), Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST), youth workers, Children’s Commissioner for Wales’ Office, and independent youth academics.


We thought you might be interested to know about European Youth Week 2019.

Roeddem yn meddwl y byddai gennych ddiddordeb yn Wythnos Ieuenctid Ewropeaidd 2019.

Mae ein partneriaid yn Eurodesk UK wedi bod yn garedig wedi rhannu dolen i faneri hyrwyddo i’w defnyddio ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol , a thagiau ar gyfer unrhyw ddigwyddiadau a allai fod yn digwydd dros yr ychydig wythnosau nesaf y gellir eu clymu i Wythnos Ieuenctid Ewrop . Anfonwyd yr e-bost defnyddiol hwn atom:

Gobeithio y cawsoch chi wyliau Pasg hyfryd. Mae hyn yn ein hatgoffa am Wythnos Ieuenctid Ewrop ?
Mae’r Wythnos Ieuenctid Ewropeaidd yn dod i fyny yn fuan (wythnos nesa’!!) ac mae’n gyfle gwych i chi gyflwyno a hyrwyddo eich gwaith o ddydd i ddydd ar ddinasyddiaeth weithredol a’r holl gyfleoedd diddorol i bobl ifanc ar y pwnc hwn.

Dyddiadau: 29 Ebrill – 5 Mai 2019 (sylwer: gellir cynnal digwyddiadau wythnos cyn ac ar ôl)

I wneud pethau mor hawdd â phosibl, * yma gallwch chi cyrchu deunyddiau brandio *, a pheidiwch ag anghofio;
• Defnyddio’r hashtag: #YouthWeek
• Tagiwch ni ar Twitter, Facebook ac Instagram: @eurodeskUK

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am hyn, cysylltwch â ni a byddwn yn hapus i roi llaw i chi!
Dymuniadau gorau,

Eva de Luis
Swyddog Eurodesk
T +44 (0) 121 212 8916 | Llinell gymorth +44 (0) 121 212 8947 |
Mae Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Erasmus + y DU yn bartneriaeth rhwng y Cyngor Prydeinig ac Ecorys UK

Os ydych chi’n ystyried cymryd rhan gallwch ddod o hyd i awgrymiadau isod.

Thema eleni yw “Democratiaeth a fi” a bydd yn digwydd 29 Ebrill – 5 Mai 2019. Mae’n gyfle delfrydol i fyfyrio ar ddinasyddiaeth weithredol a chyfranogiad pobl ifanc yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau ar bolisïau sy’n effeithio ar bawb.
Mae democratiaeth yn werth y gallwn ei gymryd yn ganiataol, ond rydym wedi ei ddatblygu a’i feithrin ers blynyddoedd. Mae’n un ni. Mae’n lleisiau i ni. Mae’n gyflawniad. Mae’n chi. Cymerwch ran yn Wythnos Ieuenctid Ewrop trwy eich cymuned leol.

* Gallwch ddod o hyd i awgrymiadau ar drefnu digwyddiad yma *

Sut i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad:
1. Edrychwch ar ddigwyddiadau cofrestredig Wythnos Ieuenctid Ewrop sy’n digwydd yn eich ardal chi;
2. Cofrestru i fynychu neu gysylltu â’r trefnwyr;
3. Ei hyrwyddo ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol gyda #youthweek, a pheidiwch ag anghofio tagio ni @eurodeskUK.


Pan fyddwch chi’n rhannu dim ond defnyddio’r tagiau #youthweek a @eurodeskuk os gallwch ?