Wellbeing packs for adults and young people
The British Red Cross are now offering their free Wellbeing packs in Welsh. Covering a range of topics, from resilience to building connections and managing stress, these packs are crammed with activities to develop coping skills. You can download copies here.
You may also be interested in their online wellbeing activities, teaching resources and free workshops. These are provided in English, and workshops are available online, via the telephone, and face to face in some areas.
Tackling loneliness is an opportunity to talk openly about loneliness and learn skills to recognise and support those who are feeling lonely. Adapt and recover focuses on building resilience. It’s an opportunity to reflect on challenges and identify practical and emotional skills that help when faced with a crisis. Coping with challenges is a workshop for groups of young people aged 10-19, which offers a resilience building framework to help them cope with daily challenges.
All these wellbeing resources are provided via the British Red Cross’s partnership with Aviva.