A yw plant a phobl ifanc anabl yn cael mynediad cyfartal at addysg a gofal plant?– ymchwiliad newydd | Do disabled children and young people have equal access to education and childcare? – new inquiry.

Annwyl gyfeillion,
Mae’r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg yn cynnal ymchwiliad i fynediad plant a phobl ifanc anabl at ofal plant ac addysg ac i ba raddau mae darparwyr gofal plant, ysgolion ac awdurdodau lleol yn cyflawni eu dyletswyddau o dan Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010.
Hoffem ddeall sut mae gan blant a phobl ifanc sy’n niwroamrywiol, sydd ag anableddau corfforol, synhwyraidd neu ddysgu, yn gallu manteisio ar bob agwedd ar addysg a gofal plant.

Yn benodol:

  1. I ba raddau y mae plant a dysgwyr yn gallu cael mynediad at bob rhan o ddarpariaeth gofal plant ac addysg ar hyn o bryd, gan gynnwys sut y caiff y cwricwlwm ei addysgu, yn ogystal â gweithgareddau allgyrsiol.
  2. I ba raddau y mae plant a phobl ifanc wedi’u heithrio o agweddau penodol ar addysg neu ofal plant oherwydd eu hanabledd neu niwrowahaniaeth.
  3. I ba raddau y mae teuluoedd a phlant yn teimlo bod gwahaniaethu uniongyrchol, gwahaniaethu anuniongyrchol neu wahaniaethu yn seiliedig ar anabledd wedi effeithio arnynt.
  4. Effaith unrhyw ddiffyg mynediad neu fynediad cyfyngedig ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant plentyn neu berson ifanc, yn ogystal ag ar ganlyniadau addysgol.
  5. Y rhwystrau sy’n atal ysgolion a darparwyr gofal plant rhag cynnig darpariaeth hygyrch.
  6. I ba raddau yr ymgynghorir â phlant anabl a phlant niwrowahanol a’u teuluoedd o ran y dewisiadau addysg neu ofal plant sydd ar gael iddynt, ac i ba raddau y maent yn cael eu hysbysu ynghylch y dewisiadau hynny.
  7. A yw rhieni plant anabl a phlant niwrowahanol, a’r plant eu hunain, yn cael gwybodaeth a chymorth effeithiol gan awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion.
  8. A oes gan blant anabl a phlant niwrowahanol, a rhieni’r plant hyn, yr un lefel o ddewis â phlant a rhieni eraill, a pha faterion sy’n effeithio ar y dewis sydd ar gael o ran ysgol neu ofal plant.
  9. I ba raddau y mae’r ddarpariaeth ar gyfer plant sydd â gwahanol fathau o anableddau yn ddigonol.

Sut i rannu eich sylwadau
Mae’r Pwyllgor wedi lansio ymgynghoriad. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am sut i gyflwyno sylwadau ar gael ar y dudalen ymgynghori.

Rydym am sicrhau ein bod mor gynhwysol a hygyrch â phosibl. Rydym yn agored i’ch syniadau ynghylch sut yr hoffech rannu eich sylwadau â ni. Mae croeso ichi gysylltu â ni ac yna gallwn gael sgwrs am y ffordd orau ichi gymryd rhan.
Rydym hefyd am glywed gennych os ydych yn teimlo ein bod wedi creu unrhyw rwystrau diofal sy’n eich atal rhag cymryd rhan.

Rydym am wneud yn siŵr ein bod mor gynhwysol a hygyrch â phosibl, ac os nad yw hyn yn digwydd, rydym am glywed sut y gallwn newid ein trefniadau.

Dear colleagues,

The Children, Young People and Education Committee is conducting an inquiry into childcare and education access for disabled children and young people and the extent to which childcare providers, schools and local authorities meet their duties under the Equality Act 2010.
We would like to understand how children and young people who are neurodivergent, have physical, sensory or learning disabilities are able to access all aspects of education and childcare.
In particular:

  1. The extent to which children and learners are currently able to access all parts of childcare and education provision, including the way in which the curriculum is taught and extra-curricular activities.
  2. The extent to which children and young people have been excluded from aspects of education or childcare due to their disability or neurodivergence.
  3. The extent to which families and children feel that they have been affected by direct, indirect or discrimination arising from disability.
  4. The impact of any lack of or limited access on a child or young person’s mental health and well-being and educational outcomes.
  5. The barriers for schools and childcare providers in offering accessible provision
  6. How well disabled and neurodivergent children and their families are consulted or informed of the choices in education or childcare available to them.
  7. Whether parents of disabled and neurodivergent children and the children themselves receive effective information and support from local authorities and schools
  8. Whether disabled and neurodivergent children and parents of disabled and neurodivergent children have the same level of choice as other children and parents and what issues affect choice or school or childcare.
  9. The extent to which there is adequate provision for children with different types of disabilities.

How to share your views
The Committee has launched a consultation, further information on how to submit is available on the consultation page.

We want to make sure that we are being as inclusive and accessible as possible. We are open to your ideas about how you would like to share your views with us. Please contact us and we can have a chat about the best way for you to get involved.
We also want to hear from you if you feel we have created any inadvertent barriers to you being involved.

We want to make sure we are being as inclusive and accessible as possible, and if this isn’t happening, we want to hear how we can change this.

CWVYS and the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Office host free Welsh language sessions – Mae CWVYS a Swyddfa Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn cynnal sesiynau Cymraeg am ddim.

Join us for a free, online Teams session on 20 June delivered by the team at the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Office in collaboration with CWVYS. There will be two sessions, one in Welsh from 10:30am-12:00pm and the other in English from 2:00pm-3:30pm.

Please specify which session you would like to attend in your cover note when expressing interest via email. We kindly ask you to email us expressing your interest to participate, and we will keep your details safe before sending them to the Commissioner’s Office. The deadline for expressions of interest is 16th June. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn more about the Welsh language!

Please e-mail manon@cwvys.org.uk to register your interest!


Ymunwch â ni am sesiwn Timau ar-lein rhad ac am ddim ar 20 Mehefin a gyflwynir gan y tîm yn Swyddfa Comisiynydd y Gymraeg mewn cydweithrediad â CWVYS. Bydd dwy sesiwn, un yn Gymraeg o 10:30yb-12:00yp a’r llall yn Saesneg o 2:00yp-3:30yp. Nodwch pa sesiwn yr hoffech ei mynychu yn eich nodyn clawr wrth fynegi diddordeb trwy e-bost.

Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi anfon e-bost atom yn mynegi eich diddordeb i gymryd rhan, a byddwn yn cadw eich manylion yn ddiogel cyn eu hanfon i Swyddfa’r Comisiynydd. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer datganiadau o ddiddordeb yw 16ed o Mehefin. Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle gwych hwn i ddysgu mwy am y Gymraeg!

Plis e-bostiwch manon@cwvys.org.uk er mwyn dangos diddordeb.

The Youth Work Leadership & Management Programme – Y Rhaglen Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth Ar Gyfer Gwaith Ieuenctid

The Youth Work Leadership & Management Programme

This is a programme of leadership and management based on a previously successful model but which has now been co-designed with representatives from the youth work sector and contextualized to bring it up to date and to suit the needs of the current youth work leaders and managers in Wales.

It will take you on a journey of learning about yourself as a leader in the provision of services for young people.

The programme is supported by CWVYS, ETS Wales, the WLGA, the Wales Principal Youth Officers’ Group, TAG Cymru and funded by the Welsh Government. This programme is endorsed by the National Academy for Educational Leadership (NAEL).

Y Rhaglen Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth Ar Gyfer Gwaith Ieuenctid

Raglen arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth yw hon ar fodel a fu’n llwyddiannus yn flaenorol, syda bellach wedi’i chyd-ddylunio gyda chrynrychiolwyr o’r sector gwaith ieuenctid a’i chyd-destunoli i’w gwneud yn gyfredol ac i weddu i anghenion arweinwyr a rheolwyr gwaith ieuenctid cyfredol yng Nghymru.

Bydd yn mynd a chi ar daith ddysgu amdanoch chi eich hun fel arweinydd yn narparieath gwasanaethau i bobl Ifanc.

Cydlynir y rhaglen gan CWVYS, ETS Cymru a gyda chefnogaeth CLILC, Grwp Prif Swyddogion Ieuenctid Cymru, TAG Cymru as fe’i hariennir gan yr Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru (NAEL) a Llywodraeth Cymru.

Victoria English Wellbeing Sessions – May 9th & 18th

Over the next month Victoria English Wellbeing will be holding two individual Teams meetings to discuss both the Mental Health/Cost Living Crisis and Understanding Adolescent Brain Providing a trauma Informed Environment. . If you’d like to participate in any of these sessions, please follow the link below.

9th May –  Mental Health & Cost Living Crisis & Building Youth Worker Wellbeing

In this session we will analyse how the cost of living crisis and the pandemic has impacted youth work and look at ways that we can build professionals wellbeing.



18th May – Understanding Adolescent Brain Providing a Trauma Informed Environment

The pandemic has further exacerbated poor mental health amongst young people in this session we will analyse how the adolescent brain works , the mental health struggles young people may face and how to provide a trauma informed environment.



Adult Learning Wales – Youth Work Support Worker Training. Addysg Oedolion Cymru – Hyfforddiant Gweithiwr Cymorth Gwaith Ieuenctid.

Adult Learning Wales are providing Youth Work Support Worker Training. 

Would you or any of your colleagues be interested in supporting us to deliver Youth Work Training? 

If so then we have some part funded places for the Training the Trainer Level 2.  This will run 25/05/23 – 20/07/23 online on Thursday mornings 09:30am – 12:30pm.  (If the funding is a barrier, please talk to us).

This is also a great opportunity for Continuous Professional Development. 

More information is on the flier attached.  This is a quick turn around, so please would aim to complete application on the flier of below by 19/05/23 and we will allocate places appropriately. 

22-23 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) application

If you have any questions please contact;


Fersiwn Cymraeg

Addysg Oedolion Cymru – Hyfforddiant Gweithiwr Cymorth Gwaith Ieuenctid.

A fyddai gennych chi neu unrhyw un o’ch cydweithwyr ddiddordeb mewn ein cefnogi i ddarparu Hyfforddiant Gwaith Ieuenctid?

Os felly, mae gennym rai llefydd wedi’u hariannu’n rhannol ar gyfer cwrs Lefel 2 Hyfforddi’r Hyfforddwr. Bydd y cwrs ar-lein yn cymryd lle o 25/05/23 – 20/07/23  ar fore dydd Iau rhwng 09:30yb – 12:30yp. (Os yw cyllid yn rhwystr, siaradwch gyda ni).

Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych ar gyfer Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus hefyd.

Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth ar y daflen sydd ynghlwm. Mae hwn yn dro sydyn, felly a fyddech cystal â chwblhau’r cais ar y daflen isod erbyn 19/05/23 a byddwn yn dyrannu lleoedd yn briodol.

22-23 Cais Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus (DPP).

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau cysylltwch efo’r tim youthwork@adultlearning.wales

The Taith Champions 2023 Funding Call is now open – Mae’r Alwad Ariannu Pencampwyr Taith 2023 nawr ar agor.

 The Taith Champions 2023 Funding Call is now open.

Taith is inviting applications from organisations with Wales-wide reach and networks and significant experience in engaging the relevant sector to support Taith’s core principles of inclusivity and accessibility. 

Funding is available for 12-month projects that focus on two main areas:  

  • Outreach to identify organisations working with the most disadvantaged and hard to reach, those from underrepresented groups and those with disabilities and/or Additional Learning Needs; 
  • Support for organisations with little or no experience of international exchange. 

We invite applications from organisations in the following sectors:

  • Schools  
  • Youth  
  • Adult Education  

The deadline for applications is 12pm on May 30. For further information please visit: Taith Champions Funding Call 2023 – Taith

Get in touch at enquiries@taith.wales with any questions.

Fersiwn Cymraeg:

Mae’r Alwad Ariannu Pencampwyr Taith 2023 nawr ar agor.

Mae Taith yn gwahodd ceisiadau gan sefydliadau cymwys sydd â chyrhaeddiad a rhwydweithiau ledled Cymru, a phrofiad sylweddol o ymgysylltu â’r sector perthnasol i gefnogi egwyddorion craidd Taith, sef cynwysoldeb a hygyrchedd.

Mae cyllid ar gael ar gyfer prosiectau 12 mis sydd yn ffocysu ar ddau brif faes:

  • Allgymorth i adnabod sefydliadau sy’n gweithio gyda’r rhai mwyaf difreintiedig ac anodd eu cyrraedd, y rhai o grwpiau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol a’r rhai ag anableddau a/neu Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol;
  • Cefnogaeth uniongyrchol ac wedi’i dargedu i sefydliadau sydd ag ychydig neu ddim profiad blaenorol o gyfnewid rhyngwladol, fel y nodwyd trwy allgymorth, i wneud cais am gyllid Llwybr Taith.

Mae cyllid ar gael ar gyfer sefydliadau yn y sectorau canlynol:

  • Ysgolion
  • Ieuenctid
  • Addysg Oedolion 

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer anfon cais yw 30 Mai am 12yp. Am ragor o fanylion ewch i: Galwad Ariannu Pencampwyr Taith 2023 – Taith

Cysylltwch ag ymholiadau@taith.cymru os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau.

Invitation to apply! Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Support Scheme | Gwahoddiad i wneud cais! Cynllun Cefnogi Mudiadau Gwaith Ieuenctid Gwirfoddol

Introducing the Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Support Scheme (VYWOSS), a new initiative aimed at providing funding to voluntary youth work organisations in Wales. The scheme has been established in response to the cost-of-living crisis and other related challenges that have impacted young people’s access to support services.

With a total funding of £180,000 available in the 2023/24 period, the VYWOSS will be split into two rounds of funding. The first round will open in May 2023, and the second round will open in October 2023. Successful applications can receive up to a maximum of £7,500 in funding.

Eligible organisations for the VYWOSS include voluntary sector youth work organisations operating within a maximum of two local authority areas in Wales, providing youth work support to young people based on the principles and purposes of youth work as outlined in Youth Work in Wales: Principles and Purposes – CWVYS. Organisations that have received funding from the Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisation Grant (SVYWO) or work in more than two local authority areas will not be eligible to apply.

The funding from VYWOSS can be used for various costs and activities, such as covering operational and utilities costs to open or remain open for young people, covering staff and volunteer costs for service delivery, and providing support to young people to address current challenges, such as hot food and drinks.

To register your interest, please fill in the application form and contact CWVYS via Amanda@cwvys.org.uk

Fersiwn Cymraeg:

Cyflwyno’r Cynllun Cefnogi Mudiadau Gwaith Ieuenctid Gwirfoddol (VYWOSS), menter newydd sydd â’r nod o roi arian i fudiadau gwaith ieuenctid gwirfoddol yng Nghymru. Mae’r cynllun wedi’i sefydlu mewn ymateb i’r argyfwng costau byw a heriau cysylltiedig eraill sydd wedi effeithio ar fynediad pobl ifanc at wasanaethau cymorth.

Gyda chyfanswm o £180,000 ar gael yng nghyfnod 2023/24, bydd y VYWOSS yn cael ei rannu’n drwy ddwy rownd o gyllid. Bydd y rownd gyntaf yn agor ym mis Mai 2023, a bydd yr ail rownd yn agor ym mis Hydref 2023. Gall ceisiadau llwyddiannus dderbyn hyd at uchafswm o £7,500 mewn cyllid.

Mae sefydliadau cymwys ar gyfer y VYWOSS yn cynnwys sefydliadau gwaith ieuenctid y sector gwirfoddol sy’n gweithredu o fewn uchafswm o ddwy ardal awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru, darparu cefnogaeth gwaith ieuenctid i bobl ifanc yn seiliedig ar egwyddorion a dibenion gwaith ieuenctid fel yr amlinellir mewn Gwaith Ieuenctid yng Nghymru: Egwyddorion a Dibenion – CWVYS. Sefydliadau sydd wedi derbyn arian o’r Grant Sefydliad Gwaith Ieuenctid Gwirfoddol Strategol (SVYWO) neu sydd wedi gwneud gwaith mewn mwy na dwy ardal awdurdod lleol yn gymwys i wneud cais.

Gellir defnyddio’r cyllid gan VYWOSS ar gyfer costau a gweithgareddau amrywiol, megis talu costau gweithredol a chyfleustodau i agor neu aros ar agor i bobl ifanc, talu costau staff a gwirfoddolwyr ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau, a darparu cymorth i bobl ifanc i fynd i’r afael â heriau cyfredol, fel bwyd poeth a diodydd.

I gofrestru eich diddordeb, plis llenwch y ffurflen cais mewn a cysylltwch â CWVYS trwy Amanda@cwvys.org.uk


Leading Curriculum for Wales Conference | Cynhadledd Arwain Cwricwlwm i Gymru

Leading Curriculum for Wales

Wednesday 21 June 10am-4pm

International Convention Centre Wales (The Coldra, Catsash Road, Newport, Wales, NP18 1HQ)

We are excited to announce our first in-person Leading Curriculum for Wales conference on the 21st June 10am-4pm.

The conference is designed for senior leaders from schools, the youth work sector and PCET sector and will explore progression.

The event includes sessions with Professor Mick Waters and Dr Georgina Haarhoff, Deputy Director of Curriculum and Assessment (Welsh Government), and workshops with Professor Andy Penaluna, Jessica Leigh-Jones MBE (iungo Solutions) and Kate Williams (Caterpillar Business Psychologists).

Practitioners from across the sectors will also be sharing their experiences of leading the curriculum.

Free, booking essential: https://nael.cymru/events/leading-curriculum-for-wales/

Arwain Cwricwlwm i Gymru

Dydd Mercher 21 Mehefin 10yb-4yp

Canolfan Gynadledda Ryngwladol Cymru (Y Coldra, Catsash Road, Casnewydd, Cymru, NP18 1HQ)

Rydym yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi ein cynhadledd wyneb yn wyneb cyntaf Arwain Cwricwlwm i Gymru ar 21 Mehefin 10yb-4yp.

Mae’r gynhadledd wedi’i chynllunio ar gyfer uwch arweinwyr o ysgolion, y sector gwaith ieuenctid a’r sector AHO a bydd yn archwilio dilyniant.

Mae’r digwyddiad yn cynnwys sesiynau gyda’r Athro Mick Waters a Dr Georgina Haarhoff, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Cwricwlwm ac Asesu (Llywodraeth Cymru), a gweithdai gyda’r Athro Andy Penaluna, Jessica Leigh-Jones MBE (iungo Solutions) a Kate Williams (Caterpillar Business Psychologists).

Bydd ymarferwyr ar draws y sectorau hefyd yn rhannu eu profiadau o arwain y cwricwlwm.

Rhad ac am ddim, cofrestru’n hanfodol:  https://nael.cymru/cy/events/leading-curriculum-for-wales/

ESTYN Inspection Model for Youth Work Services – Model arolygu ar gyfer gwasanaethau gwaith ieuenctid.

Have your say in the latest ESTYN survey for Youth Work Services!

We wish to draw your attention to the survey below and would very much appreciate your feedback to inform developments in the inspection of the youth work sector.

At present youth work is considered within the Local Government Education Services (LGES) inspections. During 2021-22 we held three successful pilot inspections of youth work services within the LGES framework which included extensive observation activity. 

We therefore propose to develop a standalone inspection model for youth work services in Wales, in line with the current national developments in youth work.

We would very much appreciate your co-operation in completing and circulating the survey amongst relevant colleagues and organisations to ensure that we consider views from across the whole sector. 

The survey will be open until 15 May.

Please see a link to the survey here; https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/YouthWorkServicesEstynConsultation/


Hoffem dynnu eich sylw at yr arolwg isod a byddem wir yn gwerthfawrogi eich adborth i lywio datblygiadau mewn arolygu’r sector gwaith ieuenctid.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae gwaith ieuenctid yn cael ei ystyried mewn arolygiadau o Wasanaethau Addysg Llywodraeth Leol (GALlL). Yn ystod 2021-22, cynhaliom dri arolygiad peilot llwyddiannus o wasanaethau gwaith ieuenctid oddi mewn i’r fframwaith GALlL, a oedd yn cynnwys gweithgarwch arsylwi helaeth.

Felly, rydym yn cynnig datblygu model arolygu arunig ar gyfer gwasanaethau gwaith ieuenctid yng Nghymru, yn unol â’r datblygiadau cenedlaethol cyfredol mewn gwaith ieuenctid.

Byddem yn gwerthfawrogi eich cydweithrediad yn fawr o ran llenwi a dosbarthu’r arolwg ymhlith cydweithwyr a sefydliadau perthnasol i sicrhau ein bod yn ystyried safbwyntiau ar draws y sector cyfan.

Bydd yr arolwg ar gael tan 15 Mai.

Dilynwch y linc yma – Consultation – Estyn’s inspection arrangements for youth services from September 2024 (smartsurvey.co.uk)


Diary Marker for Youth Work Managers!

Diary Marker for Youth Work Managers!

Dates are now available for the Youth Work Leadership and Management Programme. If you are responsible for leading or managing the youth work functions of your organisation, or a substantial part of them, then this course could be for you. It’s an excellent opportunity to enhance skills and confidence to lead youth work services effectively at a time of significant complexity and change in Wales. The programme is co-ordinated by ETS Wales and supported by WLGA, CWVYS, the Wales Principal Youth Officers Group, TAG Cymru (Youth Work training providers at HE and FE level), National Academy for Educational Leadership in Wales.

Here is an overview of the next programme.

Induction [online]: 6 June 12pm

Module 1 Leading modern Youth Work: 13-14 June [Wrexham]

Module 2 Leading and managing the delivery of high-quality Youth Work: 12-13 July [Wrexham]

Module 3 Leading and managing Youth Work across the whole system 13-14 September [Wrexham]

Please note, apart from the induction, modules will be delivered face-to-face, in North Wales.

*The Youth Work Leadership and Management Programme has recently been endorsed by the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales.

Details of the application process will be publicised in due course but if you would like further information, please contact emma@ec-consultancy.co.uk.


Dyddiad ar gyfer Dyddiaduron Rheolwyr Gwaith Ieuenctid!

Mae dyddiadau bellach ar gael ar gyfer Rhaglen Arwain a Rheoli Gwaith Ieuenctid. Os ydych yn gyfrifol am arwain neu reoli swyddogaethau gwaith ieuenctid eich sefydliad, neu ran sylweddol ohonynt, yna gallai’r cwrs hwn fod i chi. Mae’n gyfle gwych i wella sgiliau a hyder i arwain gwasanaethau gwaith ieuenctid yn effeithiol ar adeg o gymhlethdod a newid sylweddol yng Nghymru.  Cydlynir y rhaglen gan ETS Cymru a’i chefnogi gan CLlLC, CWVYS, Grŵp Prif Swyddogion Ieuenctid Cymru, TAG Cymru (darparwyr hyfforddiant Gwaith Ieuenctid ar lefel AU ac AB) a’r Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru.

Dyma drosolwg o’r rhaglen nesaf.

Ymsefydlu [ar-lein]: 6 Mehefin 12pm

Modiwl 1 Arwain Gwaith Ieuenctid modern: 13-14 Mehefin [Wrecsam]

Modiwl 2 Arwain a rheoli’r gwaith o gyflawni Gwaith Ieuenctid o ansawdd uchel: 12-13 Gorffennaf [Wrecsam]

Modiwl 3 Arwain a rheoli Gwaith Ieuenctid ar draws y system gyfan: 13-14 Medi [Wrecsam]

Sylwch, heblaw am yr ymsefydlu, bydd modiwlau’n cael eu cyflwyno wyneb yn wyneb, yng Ngogledd Cymru.

* Cafodd y Rhaglen Arwain a Rheoli Gwaith Ieuenctid ei chymeradwyo’n ddiweddar gan yr Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru.

Bydd manylion y broses ymgeisio yn cael eu cyhoeddi maes o law ond os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch ag emma@ec-consultancy.co.uk.

Welsh Government Vacancy; Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager

The Welsh Government are offering a secondment opportunity to work on the development of two workstreams – an information exchange for Wales as part of a digital youth work offer to young people, and a Young Person’s Entitlement Scheme.

Further details about this opportunity are provided here; Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager – Youth Information Service, YP Entitlement Scheme – Secondment – English

The closing date for expressions of interest is Wednesday 19 April.


Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Grant: Round 2

Please see below a message from the Welsh Government about the second round of the SVYWO grant:

We are pleased to announce that a second round of funding will be made available via the Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisation grant (SVYWO). This round will run from May 2023 to March 2025.

Here you can find the guidance and application forms should you wish to apply;

Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Grant 2023-2025 (Round 2) – Information for grant applicants – English

Strategic Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Grant – Application form 2023-2025 (Round 2) – English

These documents will also be available on the Welsh Government’s website shortly. 

Please note that a Voluntary Youth Work Organisation Support Scheme (VYWOSS) will also open shortly. The VYWOSS will provide a lower level of funding for voluntary organisations during 2023-24.

The Scheme will be administered by CWVYS.

Further details will be made available shortly. Please note that organisations awarded funding via the SWYVO will not be eligible to also access funding via the VYWOSS and vice versa.

Any queries on the SVYWO should be sent to youthwork@gov.wales