75 Years of CWVYS!

2022 marked 75 years of the Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services (CWVYS).

Through the year we asked friends of CWVYS, previous staff, Trustees and Presidents past and present if they would be willing to share their recollections of CWVYS over the years.

Our hope was to feature these in a document outlining the history of CWVYS alongside information on key dates and developments in the voluntary youth sector in Wales, the UK and further afield.

Many people kindly shared their reflections and memories with us, and we were privileged to be able to share in these and to compile a 75 year timeline of CWVYS.

Today we are very pleased to share a bilingual booklet which covers CWVYS from 1947 to 2022! We hope our members and colleagues in the youth sector will find it as interesting as we have:


In due course we will be featuring people’s individual contributions in full, on our website under the History tab.

Social Care Wales National Safeguarding Standards

The CWVYS Safeguarding sub-group received a very informative presentation by Hannah Williams (Improvement & Development Manager at Social Care Wales – SCW).

This document provides an outline of the National Safeguarding Standards: National Safeguarding Training Standards Launch Presentation Bilingual (002) CS (002)

In addition:

  • SCW be will be looking into the sufficiency of training available to the third sector and identify any plans they may have in helping to support this. If anyone has specific queries, they can direct them to safeguardingstandards@socialcare.wales


The open access Group A e-learning is available here https://learning.nhs.wales/course/view.php?id=368 and SCW is currently working on exporting this to the Social Care Wales website.


The training framework will be launched in late Spring. This will outline learning objectives against each group along with guidance on the skills and experience of trainers delivering the learning. Organisations are still able to deliver training in house and often this can be an excellent way of adapting bespoke learning to the nature of the services being delivered.


  • Using this link, Groups summary | Social Care Wales at the top of the page there is an option to view the groups in a table.  This is a useful resource to help organisations consider which group of training different roles might fit into.  It’s also important to remember that little has changed in terms of the content of safeguarding training, there will be some developments building on the latest evidence but much of the existing training content that is of good standard will just be able to be designated as learning resources for the relevant group. The training framework which identifies the learning objectives for each group will make this much clearer and is due out late spring.





Hours of work:                                  24 per week

Length of contract:                           1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024                                                 

Salary:                                                 £26,845 pro rata (£17,413 actual)

Accountability:                                  to CWVYS Chief Executive

Place of work:                                   Home-based/flexible (office is in Cardiff Bay)


CWVYS is seeking to recruit a part-time Communications Officer, to cover maternity leave of the current postholder.

We are looking for a bilingual (Welsh and English languages), creative and skilled person who will support the communications needs of the voluntary youth work services sector in Wales.

You may be expected to visit our Office in Cardiff Bay from time to time but this is a work from home job and the choice of working days (Monday – Friday) is flexible.

Applicants are invited to register initial interest in this position by e-mailing paul@cwvys.org.uk

A copy of the job description/person specification and application form will then be e-mailed in return.

When completing the application form, candidates will be expected to prove how their experience and skills match the requirements of the role as outlined in the job description and person specification.

Closing time/date for receipt of applications is 10.00am on 10 February 2023.

Applicants selected for interview will be informed of the relevant process in due course.

Thank you in advance for your interest.


Taith opens to applications today!

Taith Pathway 1 is open again for applications! https://www.taith.wales/news/pathway-1-is-back-for-2023/

To support the reopening of the Pathway 1 funding call the Taith team are running a series of online events to support and inform prospective applicants. You can find dates and times below and clicking on the links will take you to the registration page.


Introduction to Pathway 1:

Tuesday 24 January 2023 12:30-13:30 (Welsh)

Wednesday 25 January 2023 16:00-17:00 (English)

Thursday 26 January 2023 12:30-13:30 (English)


Completing the Pathway 1 2023 Application Form:

Monday 6th February 2023 16:00-17:00 (English)

Tuesday 07 February 2023 12:30-13:30 (Welsh)

Thursday 09 February 2023 12:30-13:30 (English)

Completing the Pathway 1 2023 Calculation Tool:

Wednesday 15 February 2023 16:00-17:00 (English)

Thursday 16 February 2023 12:30-13:30 (English)

Thursday 16 February 2023 16:00-17:00 (Welsh)


Pathway 1 Q&A session:

Tuesday 07 March 2023 12:30-13:30 (English)

Thursday 09 March 2023 16:00-17:00 (English)


As ever, questions and comments are welcomed in English or Welsh at each event, the language in brackets merely describes the language event will be conducted in.

Duration for all

Approximately 60 minutes


You can find a list of resources compiled in one place on our website which we will be updating as this round of funding develops: https://www.cwvys.org.uk/resources/
Pathway 1 will close to applications on the 16th of March.


If you have any questions in the meantime, you’re welcome to ask me, Paul@cwvys.org.uk  or kari@bgc.wales or vickycourt@wcia.org.uk


For your interest, here is a link to a nice little interview by Nia from the Urdd about the New Zealand trip (funded by Taith) on the Aled Hughes programme, the interview starts around 15.00: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001h3ch


Welsh Government’s “Democratic Engagement Grant”

The Welsh Government’s Elections Division recently announced they were looking to set up a grant scheme to support activities related to improving democratic engagement across Wales.

This week the team were pleased to reveal that applications are now welcomed from organisations for funding from the “Democratic Engagement Grant”.

Applications are split between those requesting funding under £1000 and those requesting funding over £1000.

Below you can find the link to the website which has all the additional information. Please note the guidance for the grant is contained within the application forms.

Democratic engagement grant | GOV.WALES

Timeline and further information:

  • January 2023: grant application window opens.
  • February 2023: initial grant application window closes.
  • February 2023: outcome letters issued to bidders.
  • February and March 2023: grant award letters issued.


Secondment opportunity: Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager

Secondment opportunity: Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager – Legislation and Regional Working

Here you can find an advertisement for a secondment opportunity to join the Welsh Government’s Youth Engagement Branch: 10. Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager – Legislation and Regional Working – Secondment – English

The successful applicant will focus on work relating to strengthening or establishing a new legislative basis for youth work in Wales and related workstreams.

Expressions of interest should be sent to dyfan.evans@gov.wales by midday on Wednesday 25 January 2023.

Individuals are welcome to get in touch with Dyfan if they have any questions about this opportunity.





Hours of work:                                  24 per week

Length of contract:                           1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024                                                 

Salary:                                                 £26,845 pro rata (£17,413 actual)

Accountability:                                  to CWVYS Chief Executive

Place of work:                                   Home-based/flexible (office is in Cardiff Bay)


CWVYS is seeking to recruit a part-time Communications Officer, to cover maternity leave of the current postholder.

We are looking for a bilingual (Welsh and English languages), creative and skilled person who will support the communications needs of the voluntary youth work services sector in Wales.

Applicants are invited to register initial interest in this position by e-mailing paul@cwvys.org.uk

A copy of the job description/person specification and application form will then be e-mailed in return.

When completing the application form, candidates will be expected to prove how their experience and skills match the requirements of the role as outlined in the job description and person specification.

Closing time/date for receipt of applications is 10.00am on 20 January 2023.

Applicants selected for interview will be informed of the relevant process in due course.

Thank you in advance for your interest.

Youth Work Young Persons Committee

Below you can find a short message from the Welsh Government regarding an invitation to Tender.

There will be the opportunity to co-ordinate and manage the Youth Work Young Persons Committee.

ITQ – Young Persons Committee – 2023

ITQ – Young Persons Committee – Standard Conditions of Service

Please see the links above for an Invitation to Tender to co-ordinate and manage the Youth Work Young Persons Committee. Applications are welcome from single organisations or consortiums.

If you have any queries, please direct them to the youthwork@gov.wales mailbox.

The deadline for receipt of bids is 1pm on Monday, 16 January 2023.


Statement and Consultation; proposals to add to categories for registration with EWC

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language published a statement today on a consultation on draft legislation on proposals to add to the categories of those required to register with the Education Workforce Council.

The statement and consultation documents can be accessed on the Welsh Government’s website.

Thank you to all who responded to the previous consultation in relation to the proposals associated with youth workers and youth support workers.  Your continued engagement in this work is much appreciated and we will continue to engage with a range of stakeholders on these proposed changes. Any queries on the proposed changes to registration of youth workers and youth support workers should be directed to youthwork@gov.wales

The consultation closes on 17 February 2023.

Taith Pathway 1 events

Taith are holding an Introductory session to Pathway 1 prior to the next funding call opening in January 2023.

If you would like to join to hear more about the application process and ask any questions, there will be two sessions next week:


14th December 4-5pm

16th December 12.30-1.30pm

To attend either of these please register at the above links. If you would like to find out more about Taith Pathway 1 please take a look at our dedicated resource page; https://www.cwvys.org.uk/resources/

If you have any questions feel free to contact Taith directly at enquiries@taith.wales

Welsh Government Community Focused Schools

Recently the Welsh Government published some information on it’s vision for Community Focused Schools, why they’re important and what they hope they will achieve for the people of Wales.

You can find the information in full here; Community focused Schools

They said of why this idea is important;

We want all schools in Wales to be Community Focused Schools:

building a strong partnership with families
responding to the needs of their community
collaborating effectively with other services

The article continues;

Estyn, the education and training inspectorate for Wales, has recognised the importance of Community Focused Schools. Their report, Community schools: families and communities at the heart of school life’ provides case studies illustrating aspects of each element of the community focused school approach. They also identify 8 defining characteristics of a Community Focused School:

  1. a focus on social, emotional and health needs of all learners including access to a coherent range of services and personal learning plans
  2. engagement with families, often including the development of a family support service in school
  3. engagement with the wider community, providing both the opportunity and the mechanisms to build capacity in the local community
  4. integrated provision of school education, informal as well as formal education, social work and health education and promotion services
  5. integrated management often supported by an integration manager
  6. services delivered according to a set of integrated objectives and measurable outcomes, a significant feature in many cases being co-location
  7. commitment and leadership
  8. multi-disciplinary training and staff development

Here you can find a diagram of the Government’s model for Community Focused Schools;

Youth Work Excellence Awards

Tomorrow the Youth Work Excellence Awards take place in Swansea at the Brangwyn hall.


Here you can find a programme for the evening and more detailed information on all the finalists shortlisted this year;



Keep an eye on our twitter account today and tomorrow, CWVYS will be sharing a link to the livestream of the Awards so you can follow the celebrations from home!


Here you can find the full list of finalists for this year’s Awards;


Best of luck to everyone for tomorrow!