YHA Strategy Launch at the Senedd

Tuesday 29 November 2022
12:00 – 1:30pm
The Pierhead, Senedd Cymru, Ffordd y MĂ´r, Cardiff Bay CF10 4PZ

YHA has developed a refreshed strategy for Wales to make sure they can better support people and communities in Wales.

Join on the day to learn more about the YHA’s priorities in Wales and their commitment to the people and communities of Wales. These priorities have been developed in response to consultation and conversations held earlier this year.

There will be a lunch and the opportunity to network, to explore collaborative opportunities to better support young people and families to access adventure.

The event is sponsored by Huw Irranca Davies MS

RSVP to walesstrategy@yha.org.uk by 12 November 2022.

Taith Events in November

Over the next couple of weeks there will be more Webinars on Taith Pathway 2, run by the Taith team.

This round of events will take the form of a Q&A session with the team: https://www.taith.wales/event/pathway-2-qa/


4 pm on Thursday the 10th of November (Welsh)

4 pm on Friday the 11th of November (English)

12 pm Tuesday the 15th of November (English)

For Webinars in English please note, they will be presented in English but you are encouraged and able to submit questions and comments, aloud or via the chat, in Welsh.

Webinars will likely last no longer than 1 hour.

If you would like to submit questions and queries to the hosts beforehand, you can do so via: enquiries@taith.wales

The team are so supportive and I do encourage you to contact them (or us if you’re not sure) as they will honestly do what they can to assist you.

You can find more information on Pathway 2 on the Taith website: https://www.taith.wales/pathway_2/youth/overview/

Taith Pathway 1 success and events

Today, the Taith team announced the outcomes of the first round of Pathway 1 programme funding, which opened in March 2022 and closed to applications in May 2022.

By now all successful applicants have been notified and some have even began their projects.

We were thrilled to see so many successful applicants from the Youth sector and hope that as the programme continues, the success grows. These international learning experiences for young people in Wales are so important and we hope they will enrich youth workers and young people alike.

You can find a press release here and for more information it is worth following them on social media:






A final reminder that tomorrow and Friday you can join the Taith team in their webinars on Pathway 2:

4 pm Thursday the 27th of October (in Welsh)

12pm Friday the 28th of October (in English)


If you would like to submit questions and queries to the hosts beforehand, you can do so via: enquiries@taith.wales

Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board Members Announced

Following a public appointment process, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language has announced this week the membership of the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board.

The Minister’s statement can found here.

The Welsh Government’s Youth Engagement Branch noted that “collectively, the Board members bring a wealth of experience and expertise which will be invaluable as we move at pace to build a sustainable model for youth work in Wales.”

If you have any queries please contact youthworkboard@gov.wales.

Welsh Government Youth Work Statistics

The Welsh Government has published its annual statistical data on Youth Work in Wales in the local authority context

The latest in the series of annual statistical releases on Youth work in Wales in (local authorities only) was published this week.

These statistics cover the 2021-22 financial year and you can access these statistics here:

Youth work: April 2021 to March 2022 | GOV.WALES




Upcoming Taith events

Next week there will be Webinars on Taith Pathway 2, in particular an introduction to the Calculation Tool and the Application Form.


4pm on Tuesday the 25th of October (in English)

4 pm Thursday the 27th of October (in Welsh)

12pm Friday the 28th of October (in English)


For Webinars in English please note, they will be presented in English but you are encouraged and able to submit questions and comments, aloud or via the chat, in Welsh.

Webinars will likely last no longer than 1 hour.

If you would like to submit questions and queries to the hosts beforehand, you can do so via: enquiries@taith.wales

The team are so supportive and I do encourage you to contact them (or us if you’re not sure) as they will honestly do what they can to assist you.

You can find more information on these events and Pathway 2 on the Taith website: https://www.taith.wales/pathway_2/youth/events/

Youth Work in Wales: Principles and Purposes

Today, the newly-revised ‘Youth Work in Wales: Principles and Purposes’ booklet was published.

This document has been produced for the managers and trustees of youth work organisations, politicians, local authority elected members and officers, practitioners, trainers and people training to be youth workers and youth support workers.

It has also been written for young people, those already involved in youth work organisations as well as those wishing to find out more about the kinds of experience youth work organisations can provide.

‘Youth Work in Wales: Principles and Purposes’ has been produced on a collaborative basis by representatives of the youth work sector in Wales and with the Education Workforce Council.

For anyone who is set to receive a hard copy in the post, please consider sharing a snap on social media and tagging us, a suggested post is:

“Delighted to have received a fresh new copy of the revised #YouthWorkInWalesPrinciplesAndPurposes”

You are very welcome to share the link to the English version of the document as well: https://www.cwvys.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/YOUTH-WORK-IN-WALES-2022-ENGLISH.pdf

Don’t forget the (long!) hashtag #YouthWorkInWalesPrinciplesAndPurposes


Taith Events this week

By now, many will probably have heard that Taith Pathway 2 has launched, but did you know about the informational events happening this week?

Pathway 2 is focused on the development of international partnerships working towards addressing priorities unique to our sectors and there are three 60 minute sessions happening this week.

Introduction to Pathway 2:

11th of October at 4pm (in English)

13th of October at 4pm (in Welsh)

14th of October at 12pm (in English)


More info and link to registration here; https://www.taith.wales/event/pathway-2-introduction/

Ministerial Statement on registration with the Education Workforce Council

The Youth Engagement Branch at the Welsh Government shared this message with us;

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language published a statement on the consultation held earlier this year on proposed changes to the categories of those required to register with the Education Workforce Council. The statement and summary of responses can be accessed on the Welsh Government’s website.

Thank you to all who responded to the consultation in relation to the proposals associated with youth workers and youth support workers. We will continue to engage with a range of stakeholders on these proposed changes. Any queries on the proposed changes to registration of youth workers and youth support workers should be directed to youthwork@gov.wales


Youth Work Excellence Awards Finalists

The Finalists for the Youth Work Excellence Awards 2022 have been announced today!

We are delighted to see so many of our Members shortlisted, it is wonderful seeing the breadth of brilliant work being recognised across the voluntary and statutory youth sectors in Wales.

The awards are taking place at the Brangwyn Hall in Swansea on the 1st of December.

If you are a finalist and you have queries about allocation of tickets, accessibility of the venue or anything else, please contact Youthworkexcellence.awards@gov.wales

Here you can find the full list of finalists for this year’s Awards

  • Andrew Owen, Cyngor Gwynedd
  • Carly Powell, Caerphilly Youth Services
  • Cynhadledd #FelMerch, Urdd Gobaith Cymru
  • David Stallard, Mixtup
  • David Williams, Torfaen
  • Gwyl Llesiant / Wellbeing Festival, Gwynedd
  • Hannah Lewis, The Hwb, Torfaen
  • Heulwen O’Callaghan, Prosiect Arweinyddiaeth Iau
  • Inspire Youth Work in Hospital (Wrexhan CBC, Flintshire CC, BCHUB)
  • Karen and Jake Henry, Vibe Youth CIC
  • Kieran Saunders
  • Lela Patterson
  • Linda Brackenbury
  • Maheddine Dib, EYST
  • Mick Holt, Flintshire
  • Mindscape Project, Tanyard Youth
  • Mixtup
  • Nick Corrigan, Media Academy
  • Ruth Letten, CONNECT, Adoption UK
  • Sarah McCReadie, Cardiff Youth Service
  • STAND NW Youth Zone
  • Stuart Parkinson, Deaf Hub Wales
  • Yarn Trail, Blaenau Gwent Youth Services
  • Young Creators ‘Nowhere to Go’ project, Conwy Youth Service


Congratulations to you all!


Launch of Taith Pathway 2

Taith Pathway 2 has launched today!

For organisations in the Youth sector interested in applying, you can find all the info on this page here; https://www.taith.wales/pathway_2/youth/overview/

Pathway 2 is focused on the development of international partnerships working towards addressing priorities unique to our sectors.

You can find the Programme Guide for Pathway 2 here; https://www.taith.wales/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Taith-Pathway-2-English.pdf

Though it is early yet, the application form itself can be accessed here; https://cardiff.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/application-form-for-pathway-2-english

It is recommended that applicants work on their applications offline in a word document to avoid losing data.

That may seem quite far away as it is a brand-new Pathway for a relatively new programme, but applications are open until December 1st so you’ve got some time to think of your project ideas and partnerships before the deadline.

Throughout October and November there will be events for people to attend to gather more info, ask questions and look for advice, you can find out more here; https://www.taith.wales/events/

If you have any questions in the meantime you are welcome to email me via; helen@cwvys.org.uk, or link with the Taith team directly via; enquiries@taith.wales

New guidance on the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework

CWVYS members and those interested, the Welsh Government have recently published updated guidance on the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework, you can find a message from Lowri Reed, Senior Youth Engagement and Progression Manager at the Youth Engagement Branch;

I am pleased to announce the publication of new guidance on the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework (‘the Framework’), following a consultation with stakeholders and young people in 2021. Please find links to the new guidance, which consist of an Overview and Handbook.

Strengthening the Framework is a key Programme for Government commitment, and the new guidance is an important milestone as we take forwards this agenda. The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has published a Written Statement to highlight the new guidance and the Framework’s important contribution towards the delivery of our national milestones, including the milestone of ensuring at least 90% of 16 to 24 year olds are in education, employment, or training by 2050.

I would like to thank you all for your contribution towards the development of this guidance.

This information is also being shared with the relevant local authority Directors.

Kind regards,



CWVYS Members have been emailed a number of additional materials which were developed over the summer with the support of a working group, consisting of local authority and Careers Wales representatives.