Urdd Peace and Goodwill Message 2022

The Climate Emergency

The Urdd’s centenary message of Peace and Goodwill focuses on the climate emergency. It is a call to action by the children and young people of Wales to the young people of the world, to use the importance and power of their voice to urge governments and large corporations to take urgent action to save our planet. It’s time to wake up!

18 May 2022 – Peace and Goodwill Message Day

Put 18 May in your diaries, to join the Urdd, Aberystwyth University and the children and young people of Wales, as we share our centenary Peace and Goodwill Message. Follow @Urdd on Twitter, and Urdd Gobaith Cymru on Facebook, and @UrddGobaithCymru on Instagram using #Heddwch100, to share the message on the day. Look out for an engagement package that will be available to download nearer the time.

You can find the message itself here in may languages; https://www.urdd.cymru/en/peace-and-goodwill/

CWVYS open forum on Registration of Youth Workers on the 5th of May

A special CWVYS ‘Regional’ meeting has been arranged to look at the consultation on extending registration for the Youth Work Sector.

It will be a CWVYS open forum on the 5th of May 2022, starting at 10am.

Our Regional Coordinator Catrin James would like to invite you to the open forum meeting, to discuss the latest consultation relating to extending the registration categories of the workforce in the Youth Work sector.

You can find the link to the consultation here; https://gov.wales/new-registration-categories-education-workforce-council

At the meeting Members will be joined by a Welsh Government official who will provide an overview of the consultation.

You will have the opportunity with your fellow members to discuss the questions in the consultation.

Those interested in attending should RSVP to Catrin@CWVYS.org.uk

New staff at CWVYS

Two new members of staff join the team at CWVYS on 1 April:


Branwen as p/t Marketing & Communications Assistant, working alongside Ellie Parker:  branwen@cwvys.org.uk


Kath as f/t Taith Youth Sector Co-ordinator on behalf of the Taith Youth Sector Consortium: kathryn@cwvys.org.uk


Whilst based at CWVYS, both roles will support the whole youth work sector in Wales.

We know that you will join us in welcoming Branwen and Kath.

Young Peacemakers Awards

The Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA), Size of Wales and CWVYS are working with the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod to celebrate children and young people who have contributed to peace, climate justice and equality in their school, youth group, local community or in the wider world.

Together we will host a Young Peacemakers Awards Ceremony at the Eisteddfod on July 2022 where young people will receive a certificate and an award.

We hope that children and young people (between 5 and 25 yrs old) will be inspired to get creative and express their ideas about how the world can be a more peaceful, equitable and sustainable place post-COVID19 – through words, art or digital media.   
Individual young people or groups can enter under the following categories:

  • Young Peace Activist of the year
  • Young Peace Writer of the year
  • Young Peace Artist of the year
  • Young Climate Champion of the year
  • Young Global Citizen of the year
  • Young Peace Heritage Champion of the year
  • Young International Peacemaker of the year (also open to young people from outside Wales)

It is also acceptable to nominate someone, with their permission.
The closing date for applications this year is 10th June, 2022. 

You can find the terms and conditions for the Awards here, as well as an application form. 

Please send your entries to  centre@wcia.org.uk.

Taith application support for Youth event

Taith is Wales’ new international learning exchange programme.

Would you like to know more about the Taith Programme and what’s available to the Youth sector?

The Taith team have just the event for you; https://www.taith.wales/events/#application-support-youth

Why not join the webinar looking at the application form in detail, offering application support for youth organisations and “addressing qualitative questions” in the application forms.

Next Thursday the 24th March 2022 at 3pm

Taith will offer funding and support for youth organisations across Wales, with a particular focus on those who have no or limited experience of international mobility.

The session will be delivered in English, but please let the team know beforehand if you would like to ask questions in Welsh and they will arrange simultaneous translation.


For more information about these events and Taith contact; taithenquiries@cardiff.ac.uk.

It will be a virtual event on the Teams platform, you can register here.

If you can’t make it the sessions will be recorded.


  • In the meantime here’s a document with advice on how to approach the qualitative questions in the application form;





For further information please see the Taith Programme Guide.

Taith events

Taith is Wales’ new international learning exchange programme.

Would you like to know more about the Taith Programme and what’s available to the Youth sector?

The Taith team have just the event for you; https://www.taith.wales/events/#intro-in-youth


Why not go along to an “Introduction to Taith in Youth” this Wednesday the 16 March 2022 at 2pm

This webinar is designed for Welsh Youth organisations to learn more about the opportunities funded under Taith.

Taith will offer funding and support for youth organisations across Wales, with a particular focus on those who have no or limited experience of international mobility.

The session will be delivered in English, but please let the team know beforehand if you would like to ask questions in Welsh and they will arrange simultaneous translation.


For more information about these events and Taith contact; taithenquiries@cardiff.ac.uk.

It will be a virtual event on the Teams platform, you can register here.

If you can’t make it the sessions will be recorded.


  • In the meantime here’s a document with advice on how to approach the qualitative questions in the application form;


There will be another event in the next couple of weeks looking at the form itself in detail.




For further information please see the Taith Programme Guide.

Marketing & Communications Assistant VACANCY


Hours of work:                                  24 per week

Length of contract:                           1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023                                                 

Salary:                                                £26,511 (£17,196 actual)

Accountability:                                  to CWVYS Chief Executive

Place of work:                                   Home-based (CWVYS office is in Cardiff Bay)


CWVYS is seeking to recruit and host a Marketing & Communications Assistant, working alongside, and in support of, the sector-wide Marketing & Communications Officer with responsibility for a range of duties and projects. This post is funded by the Welsh Government.

We are looking for a fully bilingual (Welsh and English languages), creative and skilled person who will support the marketing and communications needs of the whole youth work services sector in Wales.

Applicants are invited to register initial interest in this position by e-mailing paul@cwvys.org.uk  A copy of the job description/person specification and application form will then be e-mailed in return.

When completing the application form, candidates will be expected to prove how their experience and skills match the requirements of the role as outlined in the job description and person specification.

Closing time/date for receipt of applications is 2pm on 11 March 2022.

Applicants selected for interview will be informed of the relevant process in due course.

Thank you for your interest.

VACANCY: Taith Youth Sector Co-ordinator

Taith is Wales’ new international learning exchange programme (ILEP).

CWVYS is seeking to recruit and host a Taith/ILEP Youth Sector Co-ordinator with responsibility for a range of duties and projects. This post is funded via ILEP Limited and the Welsh Government.

We are looking for a skilled individual, who will ensure that the youth sector in Wales has access to information and support in order to participate in international opportunities and to benefit from the abilities, worldviews and positive engagement of international visitors to Wales.

Hours of work:                                  37 per week

Length of contract:                           1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023                                                   

Salary:                                                   £27,741

Accountability:                                  to CWVYS Chief Executive

Place of work:                                    Home-based (CWVYS office is in Cardiff Bay)

Applicants are invited to register initial interest in this position by e-mailing paul@cwvys.org.uk

A copy of the job description/person specification and application form will then be e-mailed in return.

When completing the application form, candidates will be expected to prove how their experience and skills match the requirements of the role as outlined in the job description and person specification.

Closing time/date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on 28 February 2022.

Applicants selected for interview will be informed of the relevant process in due course.

Thank you for your interest.

Job Vacancy with CWVYS





Hours of work:                                 24 per week

Length of contract:                         1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023                                               

Salary:                                                £24,982 (£16,205 actual)

Accountability:                                to CWVYS Chief Executive

Place of work:                                  Home-based (CWVYS office is in Cardiff Bay)


CWVYS is seeking to recruit and host a Marketing & Communications Assistant, working alongside, and in support of, the sector-wide Marketing & Communications Officer with responsibility for a range of duties and projects. This post is funded by the Welsh Government.

We are looking for a fully bilingual (Welsh and English languages), creative and skilled person who will support the marketing and communications needs of the whole youth work services sector in Wales.

Applicants are invited to register initial interest in this position by e-mailing paul@cwvys.org.uk  A copy of the job description/person specification and application form will then be e-mailed in return.

When completing the application form, candidates will be expected to prove how their experience and skills match the requirements of the role as outlined in the job description and person specification.

Closing time/date for receipt of applications is 2pm on 28 February 2022.

Applicants selected for interview will be informed of the relevant process in due course.

Thank you for your interest.

Introducing Taith!

Here you can find information about the international learning exchange programme for Wales from the team:

Introducing Taith

Studying, volunteering or taking a work placement abroad broadens people’s horizons, expands their skills, and brings benefits to communities and organisations here in Wales.

Through the new Taith programme for international learning exchanges, we aim to give learners of all ages and from all backgrounds across Wales the chance to benefit from these opportunities.

Taith embeds an international approach into every level of our education system. It is for people in every part of Wales, and in every type of education – schools, further and vocational education, youth work, adult education or higher education. They will not only develop their own skills and experience, but will serve as Wales’ ambassadors to the world, carrying our message that Wales is outward-looking, collaborative, and open to educational innovation.

And, in exchange, we will bring students, learners and educators from around the world to Wales. They will enrich our education and youth sectors with new approaches and ideas and will bring even greater diversity and culture to classrooms and campuses in our bilingual country.


Key points;

  • Taith is Wales’ new international learning exchange programme, creating life-changing opportunities to travel, learn and experience.
  • It will support 15,000 people from Wales to go on exchanges over the first four years, with 10,000 people from all over the world coming to study, train, volunteer or work in Wales.
  • The programme will be open to learners, volunteers, and staff in education settings of all kinds.



You can find them on Social media, please give them a follow so they can build their audience and more people in Wales will get the chance to hear about this exciting new programme.


#WorldOfOpportunityWales 🌍


Written Statement by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language

Yesterday the Welsh Government website published the Written Statement by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language responding to the final report of the Interim Youth Work Board.

Here you can find all the documents related to the Board’s report; https://www.cwvys.org.uk/interim-youth-work-board-final-report/

Follow this link to read the Written Statement: Update on the Interim Youth Work Board’s recommendations (20 December 2021) | GOV.WALES