The response to our survey has demonstrated that the voluntary youth sector in Wales has responded and risen to the challenge of Covid-19 swiftly and admirably, less than 8% of Members surveyed reported no operational change.

You can find the full report here: * CWVYS Report on the impact of Covid-19 on the Voluntary Youth Sector in Wales. * It should automatically download and those using screen readers should be able to access text descriptions of the graphs and charts.

While it is clear the sector has serious concerns about the future post lockdown, many have quickly adapted their services, repurposed resources and continued to support the communities they work within.

We are grateful to all who responded to our survey, given the demands on peoples’ attention and the increase in stress and uncertainty over the last few months, the fact that our Members took the time to respond is not something we have taken for granted. Thank you to those Members who supplied us with a wealth of information, we hope this report has been useful to all CWVYS Members and the wider sector.

We aim to continue this survey quarterly this financial year. If the issues raised in this report resonate within your organisation, or you see opportunities for engagement and support across the sector, you can find a list of CWVYS Members on our website:

We are sure Members would welcome the connection. The value of the sector is in its Members and how you support each other.

If you have any questions please email


  • Caerphilly County Borough Council Youth service Youth Forum is hosting a meeting with the Leader of the council to discuss learners’ to help prepare young people for a return to School that week – this will be discussed at a wider Youth Forum later in the week and any local young people wishing to get involved in the Youth Forum may get in touch at JONESCL1@CAERPHILLY.GOV.UK
  • Throughout the week, outreach staff will work closely with Gwent Police to advise young people out and about regarding social distancing and how to stay safe – watch out for our youth workers on your street corner!  Online quizzes will take place in connection with this activity on different evenings.
  • Monday-Thursday, youth workers will be running online group sessions and quizzes focussed on the UNCRC, with prizes and certificates linked to this
  • The service is also running a competition for young people to design a picture/poster/poem on what youth work means to them.
  • A mixture of fun activities and wellbeing/self-esteem promoting activities are to be delivered all week (and have been since lockdown began) but this week sees celebration all young people’s fantastic achievements and efforts during lockdown – certificates for this are to be sent out this week.
  • Virtual cooking sessions to make celebratory cakes for Youth Work Week.
  • Online parties
  • A 7 day challenge to create a video on what youth workers mean to young people.
  • All week, the Youth Service is distributing Period Dignity products
  • The Youth service’s/County’s LGBT group for young people meets to celebrate Youth work Week on Saturday 27th.  For information about this group, contact GETHFN@CAERPHILLY.GOV.UK
  • The Youth Services education (EOTAS) groups return to activity from the 24th.


CWVYS Regional Social ZOOM Meetings will be held every fortnight for voluntary youth work organisations.  During this unprecedented COVID-19 period, we believe it is important to reach out, connect and support our members.

The next meetings are:

Central South and South East Wales – 25/06/20 – 10am to 11am

North Wales – 26/06/20 10am to 11am

South West and Mid Wales -26/06/20 1pm to 2pm

We are providing a supportive space for the sector to: –

  • keep in touch with each other
  • support and share knowledge and information
  • communicate to others the concerns and issues from the sector
  • and a bit of fun

Contact Catrin James to receive the joining details to join the meeting in your region.


Next week is Youth Work Week in Wales (23rd-30th June). It is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the impact and diversity of youth work across Wales.

The Week aims to promote a wider understanding of and support for youth work.
As we are unable to hold a physical showcase event this month, we are encouraging young people, youth work organisations, decision makers and other stakeholders to join in the conversation on social media using the hashtags #YouthWorkWales and #GwaithIeuenctidCymru

On Tuesday 23rd June, a number of videos will be shared throughout the day on social media (@YWWales), including a showreel created by ProMo-Cymru to promote and celebrate youth work.

There will also be a Twitter Q&A session with members of the Interim Youth Work Board

Please follow @YWWales and join in the conversation using #YouthWorkWales and #GwaithIeuenctidCymru

Feel free to tag us in your messages (@CWVYS)!


9th JULY 2020

The CWVYS Annual General Meeting will be held as detailed below

Date 9th July 2020
Time 12.30 hrs
Place ZOOM

Zoom Details to be sent nearer the date.

The CWVYS Executive Committee will be meeting on that morning.

The closing date to register your attendance is the 26th June, as there will be limitations with numbers on ZOOM.
Please confirm this by e-mailing

If we have not heard from you by 26th June we will assume you will not be attending the call. We will not be able to add anyone to the list after this date.

I look forward to seeing you on 9th July 2020.

Paul Glaze
Chief Executive


New CWVYS staff member!

Hi there

Well I am so pleased and excited to join CWVYS and the amazing team as their new Membership & Policy Officer. 
I have worked across many industries, sectors and roles throughout my career but I can genuinely say that it’s working within the youth sector that have given me the most joy and satisfaction. 
My key role here is to make sure we have all the correct information so I can support you as members in whatever way I can. 

That could mean finding the right contacts, collaborative opportunities, useful networks and events, important documents and/or solutions to help you move forward. It also means I have a responsibility to represent you at strategic meetings to ensure your voice is heard, it reflects the diversity and current landscape and influences discussions and decisions. 
So don’t be shy – tell me everything!

Due to the monster that is Covid-19, I obviously can’t come to visit you in person at the moment but I don’t want that to stop us from meeting and getting to know each other. So I would like to make plans to get in touch with you all via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, phone or whatever method suits you. I understand that everyone’s situation is not the norm but I would at least like you to know we are here for you regardless. 

When you are able, email me with your preferred contact info then we can set something up from there. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions, ask away via


CWVYS Regional Social ZOOM Meetings will be held every fortnight for voluntary youth work organisations.  During this unprecedented COVID-19 period, we believe it is important to reach out, connect and support our members.

The next meetings are:

Central South and South East Wales – 11/06/20 – 10am to 11am

North Wales – 12/06/20 10am to 11am

South West and Mid Wales -12/06/20 1pm to 2pm

We are providing a supportive space for the sector to: –

  • keep in touch with each other
  • support and share knowledge and information
  • communicate to others the concerns and issues from the sector
  • and a bit of fun

Contact Catrin James to receive the joining details to join the meeting in your region.


Shelter Cymru have published an advice page for young people at risk of homelessness on their website.

In this difficult time, young people in precarious living situations have needed advice now more than ever. Shelter said:

As you are all aware, the coronavirus is having a severe impact on the homelessness situation of young people in Wales and we have seen a dramatic increase in demand for our advice services. In response to this we have created a Young Person’s advice page which can be seen here:

I would be very grateful if you could share this link far and wide:

Our usual advice services are also still available by phone and webchat with the details on the bottom of the linked page.

And please remember to get in touch regarding any housing concerns, issues or trends you have come across during the last few months so that we can pass them on to our caseworkers, campaigns team and include in any discussions with policy makers.


The EWC has appointed Andy Borsden to drive Quality Mark forward

Andy Borsden is the newly appointed development officer for the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales. He is also a CWVYS Vice President, and we’d like to extend our congratulations to him!

He will play a vital role in evaluating and shaping the future of the award working with the wider youth work sector.

A former Principal Youth Officer and lead assessor for the Quality Mark, Andy joins the EWC with over 35 years’ experience as a youth worker.

Having run youth provision as a volunteer and led teams of youth workers working with the most vulnerable young people, Andy understands the importance of developing and maintaining a quality service.

The Welsh Government commissioned the EWC earlier this year to deliver and develop the Quality Mark alongside ETS Wales.

A review of the Quality Mark is underway to look at how it can be strengthened. The deadline for participating in the online questionnaire closes on 30 June 2020.


CWVYS are conducting a survey of our members about the effects of Coronavirus on your work.

In response to requests at recent online Regional Group meetings, CWVYS is seeking your help in finding out how the current situation is affecting Members.

We are doing this for three reasons:

  • to understand how you are, how you are coping/not coping and the effects of working or not working during this crisis period
  • -to highlight areas and issues of need to which CWVYS can tailor its support accordingly
  • -to share these findings as ‘open data’ for Members and to inform strategic partners e.g. the Interim Youth Work Board; Welsh Government etc about the impact of recent events on the voluntary youth work sector

You will all receive a copy of the final report when it has been completed.

This will be important going forward to ensure we are protected as much as possible as a sector and that your work and its contribution to society is appreciated and valued.

We would be grateful if you could complete the survey by the end of the week: *CWVYS Survey on Coronavirus impact on Voluntary Youth Sector*

If you have any questions please send to


CWVYS Regional Social ZOOM Meetings will be held every fortnight for voluntary youth work organisations.  During this unprecedented COVID-19 period, we believe it is important to reach out, connect and support our members.

The next meetings are:

Central South and South East Wales – 28/5/20 – 10am to 11am

North Wales – 29/5/20 10am to 11am

South West and Mid Wales -29/5/20 1pm to 2pm

We are providing a supportive space for the sector to: –

  • keep in touch with each other
  • support and share knowledge and information
  • communicate to others the concerns and issues from the sector
  • and a bit of fun

Contact Catrin James to receive the joining details to join the meeting in your region.


Pages worth Bookmarking

A daily statement by Public Health Wales on the Covid-19 outbreak can be found on their website. They have also released a number of useful resources and guidance.

Welsh Goverment have a dedicatied webpage for advice, news and resources on the Covid-19 outbreak.

The Children’s Commissioner for Wales website now has an information hub for information and advice.

NHS Direct have launched an online symptom checker.

Money Saving Expert is producing financial advice guides online on subject matters including Mortgages & other debts, rental help, energy top-ups & more.

Support for victims of Domestic Abuse – The Live Fear Free helpline is available 24 hours a day – call free on 0808 8010 800 any time, if you can do it safely. You can also text 0786 007 7333, email or webchat -If you can’t talk in safety, but you need help immediately, police forces across Wales will respond to a silent 999 call – dial 999 followed by 55 to indicate that you can’t talk, but need help.

Citizen’s Advice: What coronavirus means for you

Meic Cyrmu is the advocacy, information and advice helpline for children in Wales, helping the children of Wales through the coronavirus pandemic. They are contactable through their Freephone helpline on 080880 23456, free text service on 84001, and their online chat service via their website.