We hope you’re all safe and well today!

• Just to reiterate, we have voided membership fees for the 20/21 year, more info here:

• Here’s a list of handy resources from ProMo Cymru

• Here you can find resources from the NSPCC about keeping safe online

• Here is WCVA’s latest update on Coronavirus, it’s worth bookmarking the page:

• Further to the letter we sent out to funders last week on this webpage you can find a list of more than 190 funders who have pledged to support charities during this crisis:

• This is a handy thread of direct responses from funds to their awardees in recent weeks:

• Keep an eye out on;

Public Health Wales

BBC Wales

and the World Health Organisation:

Please try not to share information that doesn’t come from a reputable source.

Stay safe, and if you can, stay home, our thoughts are with you in these difficult times.


Dear All

I’m writing to let you know that CWVYS is calling a moratorium on Membership fees for the 2020/21 financial year.

Existing Memberships will be automatically renewed as of 1 April 2020 for the usual 12-month period but we will not be seeking payment from you.

Should any Member organisations wish to voluntarily pay their fees, that would of course be appreciated. However, we will not be chasing those monies.

I realise that in the great scheme of things at such a difficult time for you, this is a relatively small gesture – but hope it goes some way to reducing pressures on hugely-stretched budgets.

Take care out there.

Best wishes

Paul Glaze |Chief Executive
CWVYS|Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services


Dear Funders

Covid-19 and Role of CWVYS and the Voluntary Youth Work sector

The youth work sector has a key role to play in supporting young people, and also as part of the overall response, in Wales to the Covid-19 outbreak.

The voluntary youth work sector in Wales has a vitally important role to play in supporting young people, and also in part of the overall response, in Wales to the Covid-19 outbreak.

CWVYS is aware that you are working hard to support those organisations currently in receipt of funds and with those who are in the middle of, or embarking upon, writing applications for financial support. This is much appreciated.

This week, I met with the Minister for Education to discuss ways in which this support might manifest itself in practical terms. In addition, CWVYS Trustees met yesterday and were keen to indicate their full support for current initiatives but also to highlight certain issues and potential solutions relating to Covid-19, which I would like to bring to your attention:

  • The welfare of young people is paramount and that this is uppermost in their collective minds. Many of our Member organisations deal with the most vulnerable young people experiencing mental health and emotional wellbeing issues, amongst many others, and are seriously concerned about service disruption at such a critical time
  • There is an urgent call to Funders to be sympathetic to the needs of organisations, provide as much flexibility as possible to ensure that no voluntary sector youth work organisation is adversely affected by a loss of revenue (without which they would be unable to deliver vital services and will ultimately be forced to permanently shut down) and to release funding even more quickly than normal

CWVYS and our Member organisations stand ready to work towards providing the necessary solutions in support of the measures being taken during this time.

Please let me know how, when and where we might be able to work together.

CWVYS is maintaining regular contact with the First Minister of Wales and with the Minister for Education. I am also copying this letter to Keith Towler, Chair of the Interim Youth Work Board.

Yours sincerely

Claire Cunliffe

Chair, CWVYS



Registered Charity Number: 1110702

Company Number: 5444248


Dear All

Covid-19 and Role of CWVYS and the Voluntary Youth Work sector

The youth work sector has a key role to play in supporting young people, and also as part of the overall response, in Wales to the Covid-19 outbreak.

This statement provides an update on recent CWVYS activity and the steps being taken in support of you, your organisations and young people.

CWVYS met with the Minister for Education on 17 March to discuss the challenges and solutions which have been suggested by our Members in response to the Covid-19 outbreak.  Today, we have written separately to the Minister for Education and to the First Minister of Wales in order to re-iterate those messages.

In addition, CWVYS Trustees met yesterday at their Executive Committee meeting. Trustees were keen to indicate their support for current initiatives but highlighted concerns as well as potential opportunities:

  •  The welfare of young people is paramount and that this is uppermost in their collective minds. Many Member organisations work with the most vulnerable young people experiencing mental health and emotional wellbeing issues, amongst many others, and are seriously concerned about service disruption at such a critical time
  •  Potential solutions include the use of digital networks operated by paid and unpaid practitioners and drawing upon the expertise of Members such as ProMo Cymru and Swansea MAD (amongst others); more effective communication of messages plus the publicising of services such as Meic; mobilisation of young people in response to the needs of local communities; access to information in support of those in need of free school meals, food bank facilities; young people who are homeless and detached youth work responses
  •  Other possible areas to consider include: a pooling of resources within the whole sector on a collaborative basis; ‘cluster’ groups of practitioners to lead/support groups of young people in youth and community centres, church halls etc which remain open and/or schools post 20 March; the waiving of payments for hire of venues; linking older people with young people via landlines and/or mobiles and/or digital means
  •  Funders need to be sympathetic to the needs of organisations, provide as much flexibility as possible to ensure that no voluntary sector youth work organisation is adversely affected by a loss of revenue (without which they would be unable to deliver vital services and will ultimately be forced to permanently shut down) and to release funding much more quickly 

CWVYS has sent an open letter to all Funders, requesting an urgent and compassionate response to the needs of voluntary youth work sector organisations

We have also written to WCVA with a similar request regarding funding streams which it operates on behalf of the wider voluntary sector in Wales.

  •  A call for an urgent re-think of the criteria attached to the Youth Support Grant for 2020/21 and a possible new allocation of this resource across the whole sector, as opposed to the current system of funding local authority youth services. This would enable voluntary sector youth work organisations to quickly design, develop and deliver vital services for young people, especially those who are most vulnerable and to meet emergency needs

CWVYS has today written to the Leader of the Welsh Local Government Association, to highlight this issue whilst emphasising our desire, and that of the voluntary youth work sector, to work with the WLGA and local authority youth services in support of young people.

CWVYS and our Member organisations stand ready to work towards providing the necessary solutions in support of the measures required during this time.

A copy of this Statement will be sent to Keith Towler, Chair of the Interim Youth Work Board plus colleagues in the Welsh Government Youth Engagement Team, Principal Youth Officers’ Group, Welsh Local Government Association, ETS Cymru and the Education Workforce Council.

Yours sincerely

Claire Cunliffe

Chair, CWVYS



Registered Charity Number: 1110702

Company Number: 5444248


Dear Members

It’s obviously a hugely concerning time for you all, the issues you are currently facing and those yet to occur. The focus at the moment is how to try and navigate a best way forward whilst supporting you as best we can in these circumstances.

The general view from those with whom I have spoken is mixed: individual organisations will need to make their own decisions as to whether they will continue for a specific period of time or simply close. Some will carry on for as long as possible because they offer specialist services.

As such, there is no ‘one size fits all’ advice on provision for the sector as yet. However, we will continue to forward the latest guidance from the WG Education department to everyone by e-mail and social media. I’d suggest that you read and distribute that information to your colleagues and keep looking out for further notices as things develop. In addition, Public Health Wales is issuing daily updates across a range of media.

The unprecedented nature of the situation and how it is changing every hour or so means that there is rapid movement in all advice and guidance. Stay tuned and we’ll aim to get messages out as and when we can.
CWVYS has had to vacate Baltic House and staff are now working from home. Whilst we will still be contactable, this is also having an impact on our own operations, so please bear with us!

I’m aware that local authorities are making independent judgement calls on their youth service provision across all 22 areas. My current information is that most, if not all, have already closed or will start to close their doors very soon.

Online provision is perhaps one part of the overall response, so that young people, can still maintain contact and access to practitioners and vice-versa. Claire Cunliffe (CWVYS Chair) and I met with the Minister for Education on Tuesday to discuss how youth work can support the wider education sector during this crisis.

If any statements arise from this and other meetings, I’ll let everyone know. However, the Minister was very clear on her understanding of youth work and her gratitude toward practitioners in providing such vital services. Our response to that was a very positive one but we also outlined a need for leadership, resource and effective communication.

The CWVYS Executive Committee (Trustee Board) Met remotely yesterday and discussed a wide range of issues. I will update you on those developments shortly.

CWVYS will continue to operate strategically and has signed up to a joint-sector approach with a range of partners, including the Welsh Government, the PYOG and WLGA amongst others.

We will, of course, keep you informed on any relevant developments and further messages.

A brief note on funding: you will probably be aware that WCVA has set up an Emergency Loan Fund? If not, details are here:

For now, keep safe and well.

Best wishes
Paul Glaze, Chief Executive


Eurodesk UK have launched a Call to join them in promoting international opportunities to young people. 

They want to hear from individuals with experience in the youth sector, who are passionate about working, studying or volunteering abroad, to sign up as a Eurodesk UK Ambassador. 

The Eurodesk network covers 36 countries and more than 1100 information points, so it is a great way to build links. Other benefits include promotion on the website and social media; invitation to seminars and training; online support; and supplies of promotional materials.

To apply, there is a short form to complete, and the deadline is 6 April 2020. 

Find out more at


Practitioners’ work is highly valued

The Conference was intended to pay tribute to the value of youth work practitioners – those paid and unpaid experts in the field who deliver  absolutely vital work day in, day out on behalf of and with young people across the whole of Wales.

But practitioners aren’t just for Conferences…they’re every day, forever.

Practitioners need to be supported

It’s one thing to say we treasure them but practitioners need support in many ways to enable them to carry out their roles to the best of their abilities.

From investing in workforce development equitably across the whole sector to ensuring access to learning opportunities and reflective practice to their emotional wellbeing and mental health to celebrating their immensely positive impact on young people and their communities of Wales to having their voices heard and acted upon, practitioners deserve to be supported.

Working together creates positive results

It was wonderful to see so many non-youth work stallholders enjoyably engaged in learning about youth work and for our sector to find out more about the myriad opportunities which exist ‘out there’

Potential partnerships abound

Building on last year’s significant investment, the Minister again identified £10M in the budget for 2020/21 Youth Support Grant, which is hugely welcome and provides a real platform for meaningful partnerships

Clearly, the challenge now is for the whole sector to deliver a truly collaborative programme of youth work services which meets the needs of young people across Wales.  

Momentum is key

It is really important to acknowledge the incredible pace and intelligence at which the members of the Interim Youth Work Board, Welsh Government officials and the sector has been working to establish the Youth Work Strategy for Wales and its subsequent implementation.   

As it builds, the momentum needs to ensure that it doesn’t leave in its slipstream those parts of the sector which are unable to engage as readily as it would like due to a lack of capacity, time, resources or knowledge. It’s critical that the whole sector moves forward together and doesn’t leave anyone behind.   

It’s good to talk! (and to listen)

Keith Towler, Kirsty Williams, Workshops, Professional Practice Talks, World Café…Empowering…Expressive…Inclusive…Participative…Educative

Wonderful to witness 360 people talking, listening and thinking about youth work. The talents, abilities and camaraderie on display were a sight to behold.

#GwaithIeuenctidCymru #YouthWorkWales


The Education Workforce Council (EWC), in partnership with ETS Wales, has been commissioned by the Welsh Government to deliver and develop the nationally recognised Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales until January 2023.

The Quality Mark badge of excellence assures young people, their parents, guardians, funders, partner organisations and other organisations of high quality youth work provision.

Hayden Llewellyn, EWC Chief Executive said: “In Wales, we are undergoing a period of major education reform, and high quality youth work provision plays a crucial role in this.

“We look forward to developing the Quality Mark alongside ETS Wales and other partners to ensure this provision delivers the appropriate support to young people in Wales to improve their life chances.”

Minister for Education, Kirsty Williams AM said: “The Quality Mark is an important tool to help youth work organisations really raise the bar for the important work they do.

“I look forward to seeing the new contract build on the momentum of the successful Quality Mark and ensure this reflects the vision set out in our Youth Work Strategy for Wales.”

ETS Wales Chair, Steve Drowley added: “The Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales is one of the key foundations of good quality work with young people.

“We’re delighted to be part of the process for ensuring young people have a voice, are properly supported by well trained and qualified youth workers, and benefit from a wide range of opportunities through voluntary and maintained youth work services.”

Since 2015, 17 youth work organisations in Wales have achieved the Quality Mark. As the new awarding body the EWC will work with these organisations and the sector as a whole to develop and grow the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales.

Find out more about the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales.



For this new job role, CWVYS seeks a suitably experienced and highly capable person to manage its membership and policy support portfolios.

See the job description and person specification for further details. To apply complete the application form and the equal opportunities monitoring form and return to

Hours: 24 hours per week

Salary: NJC Scale 25

Contract: Fixed Term


The Curriculum for Wales guidance aims to help each school develop its own curriculum, enabling their learners to develop towards the four purposes of the curriculum – the starting point and aspiration for every child and young person in Wales.

This guidance will also be relevant for funded non-maintained nursery settings, pupil referral units (PRUs) and those responsible for the provision of education other than at school (EOTAS) in other settings, enabling them to develop an understanding of the Curriculum for Wales Framework (Framework).

You can find the Guidelines here:


This year’s National Youth Work conference has been developed by the Youth Work Marketing and Communications Group.

It is aimed firmly at youth work practitioners. You will have the opportunity to hear directly from the Minister of Education on her priorities for youth work in Wales as well as update from Keith Towler on the work of the Interim Youth Work Board.

Primarily though, the Conference is designed to support your professional learning and to provide the opportunity for networking with your peers.  

The agenda and a synopses of sessions is *here* 

Please disseminate the invitation to your colleagues.  

You can register here via Eventbrite


The 2020 Youth Work Excellence Awards are now open for nominations.

All of the information you need to make a nomination, including the nomination form itself, is available online using the following link:

We would be grateful for your help in circulating this information widely through your networks. The closing date is Friday, 28 February 2020. 

Please contact Welsh Government with any queries via the mailbox: