Free Training Opportunities for the Youth Work Sector in Wales

ETS Cymru Wales are excited to launch its training programme for 2023 / 2024 by offering two exciting courses:

  • Supervision in the Youth Work Context (Level 3 Accredited Course)
  • Neurodiversity Training (a series of workshops)

If you would like more information or to secure a space, follow this link:

Please keep an eye on the ETS Cymru Wales Eventbrite and Social Media Page as more Training will follow shortly.

Youth Work Excellence Awards – Live stream

If you’re not able to attend the Youth Work Excellence Awards in person, we have the option to join via a livestream on Youtube.

If you’re interested in hosting a watch party for the event, please fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch!

Os na allwch fynychu’r Gwobrau Rhagoriaeth Gwaith Ieuenctid yn bersonol, mae gennym yr opsiwn i ymuno trwy ffrwd fyw ar Youtube.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cynnal parti gwylio ar gyfer y digwyddiad, llenwch y ffurflen isod a byddwn mewn cysylltiad!

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Webinar: Establishing a young people led governance structure for youth work in Wales.

This webinar is presented by the Young People are Thriving Implementation Participation Group, one of five groups established to support the work of the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board.

One of the key recommendations within the ‘Time to deliver for young people in Wales’ report was “to establish a young people led governance structure for youth work in Wales”. We want to better understand the good things that are happening across Wales and help inform how this recommendation, and other aspects of our work, are developed.

In this webinar, we will share some of the work happening at a national level, much of which is new and emerging. We will discuss the vital principles and next steps to ensure a youth-led governance structure that enables young people to shape youth work services in Wales.

We want young people to have meaningful involvement at all stages of decision making which will affect them. Examples of best practice will be shared during the webinar, and we want to gather further evidence to feed into our work to strengthen the legislative basis for youth work. Information gathered as part of this session will also be incorporated into the scoping work for a potential national body for youth work, where we want to ensure young people are not just involved but would have specific roles to play.
Presenters include:

  • David Williams, Torfaen Youth Service – Chair of the Young People are Thriving IPG
  • Sharon Lovell – Chair of the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board
  • Dyfan Evans, Welsh Government
  • Merthyr Youth Advisory Panel: Snakes ‘n’Ladders – The Other Pandemic
  • Rebekah Burns, St John Ambulance
  • Victoria Allen, Welsh Government
    The second part of the webinar will include break-out workshops where we will discuss the following:
  • What does good and bad Youth Governance look like to you?
  • What can we learn from previous good practice that may not be currently happening?
  • What examples of youth governance do we have now?
  • What key guiding principles do we want to embed, and how?
  • What are some of the potential barriers?

We welcome those involved in youth work in Wales who are interested in learning more and contributing to this discussion. Sign up free today on this link:

Meet Adult Learning Wales! | Cyfarfod Addysg Oedolion Cymru!

Meet Adult Learning Wales! | Cyfarfod Addysg Oedolion Cymru!

  • Want to know more about youth work training? 
  • More about Continuous Professional Development (CPD), Tutoring and a whole load of other learning opportunities? 
  • Have any questions about how to access all of the above and more?

 Then you’re invited to meet Adult Learning Wales/Addysg Oedolion Cymru at an hour-long online session on 23 January, starting at 12noon.

To book a place and to receive joining details, contact ASAP

The Youth Work Leadership and Management Programme – FREE

This is currently available FREE OF CHARGE!

The application form is accessed via the button link on the brochures.

There are copies of the application form available in Welsh from – the link via the brochure may be defaulting to the English version currently. We apologise for this technical issue, which we hope will shortly be rectified.

In the light of this, if you have any problems with the process, applications will be accepted up to Friday 19th January.

Any issues, please e-mail directly.

ETS – Youth Work Leadership and Management Programme

This is a programme of leadership and management based on a previously successful model, but which has now been co-designed with representatives from the youth work sector and contextualized to bring it up to date and to suit the needs of current youth work leaders and managers in Wales.

It will take you on a journey of learning about yourself as a leader in the provision of services for young people. The programme is supported by ETS Wales, the WLGA, CWVYS, the Wales Principal Youth Officers Group, TAG Cymru (youth work training providers at HE and FE level) and funded by the Welsh Government. This programme is endorsed by the National Academy for Educational Leadership (NAEL)

Welsh Government – Funding Review

As you might be aware, the Welsh Government has commissioned a team of researchers from Welsh universities to carry out a Funding Review.

This is a critical piece of work and is based upon one of the 14 recommendations being worked upon by the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board.

It is essential that the voice of the voluntary youth work sector is heard in this process, as evidence provided now will inform how and where funding can support the sector more effectively in the future.

Please complete the survey by the closing date of 12 January 2024:

Developing the Interim Youth Work Board’s Recommendations: Next steps

Today the Minister for Education and Welsh Language has set out the next steps to develop the Interim Youth Work Board’s recommendations aimed at achieving a sustainable delivery model for youth work in Wales. You can read more here.

Be part of the conversation

Thank you to everyone who has fed into this work to date. The collaborative approach adopted to inform the development of this work will continue to be vital during this next phase, under the advice of the Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board and its Implementation Participation Groups, as well as other partners.

A series of ‘drop in’ Empower Hour sessions for youth workers and youth support workers began on 11 December. These have covered a range of themes, including a rights-based approach, youth work definitions and functions, and leadership and partnerships. This engagement will continue in the new year, with opportunities for individuals across the youth work sector and beyond to be part of the conversation. Further details will be shared soon.

Taith Champions – Introduction to Taith Pathway 1 Webinar

Along with Diverse Cymru, we will be holding a 3-way webinar for Pathway 1 (Youth, Schools and Adult Ed) on 11th January 2024.

Book via Eventbrite: 

Taith Champions – Introduction to Taith Pathway 1 Webinar Are you interested in learning more about Taith Pathway 1? This webinar is the perfect opportunity to learn more!

Important news for Education Workforce Council (EWC) registrants

The Code has been updated to reflect new registration categories.

About the Code

The Education Workforce Council’s Code of Professional Conduct and Practice (‘the Code’) sets out the standards expected of those registered with us and is intended to support and guide their behaviours and judgements as professionals working in education and training roles in Wales. The latest version of the Code came into force on 1 September 2022 (updated in November 2023 to reflect the addition of new registation categories).

Registrants commit to upholding the five key principles of the Code:

  • Personal and Professional Responsibility
  • Professional Integrity
  • Collaborative Working
  • Professional Knowledge and Understanding
  • Professional Learning

Read the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice.

Supporting documents.

We have produced posters that can be displayed at your setting:

Poster for staff room display
Poster for public display

There is also a series of good practice guides, which support registrants to comply with the Code. They provide more advice for registrants in their day to day practice.

Our guide for parents provides information and advice to parents on the services we provide and helps them to play a more active role in their child’s education.

EU/UK Youth Stronger Together project

Our new EU UK Youth Stronger Together project offers young people aged 15 – 30 from the EU and the UK opportunities to connect, cooperate, influence, and implement change together on issues of common interest. Through its strands, the project aims to contribute to the building of a close and stable relationship between young people in the UK and the EU for Europe’s collective benefit.

We would like to invite you as youth organisations to;
a. Apply for our Networking Grant > More information and the application can be found here

but also in your capacity as young people individually to

b. Be part of our online focus groups with representatives of youth organisations across the UK to express your views and identify the needs, challenges and prospects for future relations with organisations and youth in the EU .

c. Submit your creative entry at the ongoing Competition and get the chance to see your piece of work exhibited live in London on May 2024

You can keep in touch with the Stronger Together project through expression of interest in the following form.