Taith Champion Coordinator – Cydgysylltydd Pencampwyr Taith

Taith Champion Coordinator

Salary and pension: Band C (Starting at £24,471 pro rata)

Automatic enrolment into our pension scheme and the WCIA will match your contribution up to a maximum of 5% of your gross salary (minimum 4%)

Employment terms: Fixed-Term contract for 12 months. Desired start date September 2023. Open to a secondment option.

Base: Office, hybrid or home-based available

Hours: 3 days per week – flexible working available.

Leave allowance: 36 days pro rata including bank holidays

Closing date: 5pm 5 September 2003

Summary of Role
Taith is a Welsh government funded international learning exchange programme enabling people in Wales to study, train, volunteer and work all over the world, while allowing organisations in Wales to invite international partners and learners to do the same here in Wales. It will create opportunities to broaden horizons, experience new ways of life, and bring back lessons to share with people at home.

Taith Champions will ensure that all Youth sector organisations, local authorities and young people in Wales have access to information and support in order to participate in a wealth of international opportunities funded by Taith.

This is an exciting role to join the dynamic WCIA team and to support the work of the Taith Champions, a consortium partnership with CWVYS. It is an opportunity to support voluntary organisations, local authorities and young people to engage with international exchanges and develop inward and outward mobility opportunities.

The Coordinator will build strong relationships with, and develop relevant resources and training, for organisations and local authorities in Wales and abroad.

The Coordinator will be a pro-active approachable and highly organised individual with excellent understanding of the youth sector within Wales, international exchange, writing grant applications and pitching projects.

Job Pack

Application form

Equal Opportunities Form

Cydgysylltydd Pencampwyr Taith

Cyflog a phensiwn: Yn dechrau ar £24,471 pro rata

Bydd cofrestriad awtomatig i’n cynllun pensiwn a’r WCIA yn cyfateb i’ch cyfraniad hyd at gyfanswm o 5% o’ch cyflog gros (lleiafswm 4%)

Telerau cyflogaeth: Contract cyfnod penodol am 12 mis. Dyddiad dechrau dymunol Medi 2023. Yn agored i opsiwn secondiad.

Lleoliad: Opsiwn i weithio yn y swyddfa, hybrid, a gartref.

Oriau: 3 diwrnod yr wythnos – opsiwn gweithio hyblyg.

Lwfans gwyliau: 36 diwrnod pro rata, yn cynnwys gwyliau banc.

Teithio: Teithio yn achlysurol o amgylch Cymru ar gyfer digwyddiadau partner a hyfforddiant. Pan fydd angen teithio ar gyfer gwaith, telir costau.

Crynodeb o’r swydd
Mae Taith yn rhaglen gyfnewid ryngwladol ar gyfer dysgu a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru er mwyn galluogi pobl yng Nghymru i astudio, hyfforddi, gwirfoddoli a gweithio ledled y byd, tra hefyd yn galluogi sefydliadau yng Nghymru i wahodd partneriaid a dysgwyr rhyngwladol i wneud yr un fath yng Nghymru. Bydd yn creu cyfleoedd i ehangu gorwelion, profi ffyrdd newydd o fywyd, a dychwelyd gyda gwersi i’w rhannu â phobl nôl gartref.

Bydd Hyrwyddwyr Taith yn sicrhau y bydd yr holl sefydliadau Ieuenctid, awdurdodau lleol, a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru yn derbyn mynediad at wybodaeth a chefnogaeth er mwyn cymryd rhan mewn ystod eang o gyfleoedd rhyngwladol a ariannir gan Taith.

Mae hon yn swydd gyffrous gan ymuno â’r tîm WCIA er mwyn cefnogi gwaith yr Hyrwyddwyr Taith, a chonsortiwm partneriaeth gyda CWVYS. Mae’n gyfle i gefnogi sefydliadau gwirfoddol, awdurdodau lleol, a phobl ifanc i ymgysylltu gyda rhaglenni cyfnewid rhyngwladol a datblygu cyfleoedd mewnol ac allanol ar gyfer symudedd.

Bydd y cydlynydd yn meithrin perthynas gref gyda sefydliadau ac awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru a thramor, wrth ddatblygu adnoddau a hyfforddiant perthnasol.

Bydd y cydlynydd yn unigolyn gweithredol, croesawgar a hynod drefnus ac yn meddu ar ddealltwriaeth ragorol o’r sector ieuenctid yng Nghymru, rhaglenni cyfnewid rhyngwladol, ysgrifennu ceisiadau am grantiau, a chyflwyno prosiectau.

Swyddog Allgymorth Cymunedol: y Gogledd (£26,489 pro rata)

Dros y 18 mis diwethaf, mae partneriaeth o sefydliadau, sef Partneriaeth Deiseb Heddwch y Menywod, wedi bod yn cynllunio Hawlio Heddwch / Prosiect Deiseb Heddwch y Menywod i nodi canmlwyddiant Deiseb Heddwch y Menywod yn 2023-24 a dathlu heddychwragedd Cymru. Caiff allgymorth cymunedol ac ymgysylltu eu hariannu gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol. Bydd Swyddogion Allgymorth yn ysgogi pobl leol o gymunedau amrywiol i gymryd rhan yn y prosiect ac yn sicrhau bod yr holl gyfranogwyr yn cael profiad cyfoethog a boddhaus.

Dyddiad cau5.00 yn y prynhawn, 29 Awst 2023 (Gobeithiwn gynnal cyfweliadau ar y 7fed neu’r 8fed o Fedi)

Swydd ddisgrifiad / manyleb person

Ffurflen gais

Ffurflen cyfleoedd cyfartal

Children in Wales, 2023-2026 Strategy, ‘Making Life Better for Children in Wales’

I am pleased to enclose for your attention a copy of my new three year strategy for 2023-2026 ‘Making Life Better for Children in Wales’.

This strategy has been developed based on the conversations, meetings and engagements my team and I’ve had with over 17,000 children, young people and other key stakeholders during my first year in office. It is also informed by the findings of my national survey ‘Ambitions for Wales’ which ran during the Autumn of 2022, and which received over 10,000 responses, including over 8000 from children.

The strategy identifies four key purposes which will drive the work of my team, and enable us to deliver our formal remit. These are being: ‘Here for All Children’, ‘A Rights Realiser’, ‘A Truth Teller’ and ‘A Challenger’. These purposes will be delivered by my experienced team, through their distinct functions, including:

·         my Participation team who enable reach and engagement with diverse children from across Wales;

·         my Communication team who help to ensure that those in power hear children’s experiences and make changes as a result;

·         my Policy team who influence decision makers, including Welsh Government, to consider and uphold children’s human rights in all its decision-making; and

·         my Investigations and Advice team who provide free and independent investigations and advice for children, their families and professionals who think their children’s rights have been breached.

Over the next three years, as well as being led by the voices, needs and experiences of children and young people, everything we do as a team will continue to be underpinned by our values, by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and by our Right Way principles of Embedding, Equality and Non-Discrimination, Empowerment, Participation and Accountability.

Increasing the visibility, diversity and accessibility of our organisation will also be key drivers, as well as ensuring that our work is focused, that staff remain connected to our purpose, and that we are making the best use of the evidence that we collect to inform our influencing work.

This is a critical and challenging time for children in Wales, and I look forward to working with you constructively during the coming year to make children’s lives better.

I welcome any feedback or if you would like to meet to discuss any aspect of the strategy, please do get in touch with my team.

Warmest wishes,
Rocio Cifuentes

Fersiwn CYM:

Mae’n bleser gen i amgáu at eich sylw gopi o’m strategaeth tair blynedd newydd ar gyfer 2023-2026 ‘Gwella Bywyd i Blant yng Nghymru’.

Mae’r strategaeth hon wedi cael ei datblygu ar sail y sgyrsiau, y cyfarfodydd a’r ymgysylltu mae fy nhîm a minnau wedi’u cael gyda mwy nag 17,000 o blant, pobl ifanc a rhanddeiliaid allweddol eraill yn ystod fy mlwyddyn gyntaf yn y swydd. Mae hefyd yn cael ei llywio gan ganfyddiadau fy arolwg cenedlaethol ‘Gobeithion i Gymru’, a gynhaliwyd yn ystod hydref 2022, lle cafwyd dros 10,000 o ymatebion, gan gynnwys mwy nag 8,000 gan blant. 

Mae’r strategaeth yn nodi pedwar diben allweddol a fydd yn gyrru gwaith fy nhîm, ac yn ein galluogi i gyflawni ein cylch gorchwyl ffurfiol, sef: ‘Yma i Bob Plentyn’, ‘Arwr Hawliau’, ‘Goleuo’r Gwir’ a ‘Heriwr’. Cyflawnir y dibenion hyn gan fy nhîm profiadol, trwy eu swyddogaethau penodol, gan gynnwys:

·         fy nhîm Cyfranogiad sy’n galluogi cyrraedd ac ymgysylltu â phlant amrywiol o bob rhan o Gymru;

·         fy nhîm Cyfathrebu sy’n helpu i sicrhau bod y rhai sydd mewn pŵer yn clywed profiadau plant ac yn gwneud newidiadau o ganlyniad;

·         fy nhîm Polisi sy’n dylanwadu ar lunwyr penderfyniadau, gan gynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru, i ystyried a chynnal hawliau dynol plant yn eu holl benderfyniadau; a hefyd

·         fy nhîm Ymchwiliadau a Chyngor, sy’n darparu ymchwiliadau a chyngor annibynnol, di-dâl i blant, eu teuluoedd a gweithwyr proffesiynol sy’n teimlo nad yw hawliau plant wedi cael eu gwireddu. 

Yn ystod y tair blynedd nesaf, yn ogystal â chael ein harwain gan leisiau, anghenion a phrofiadau plant a phobl ifanc, bydd popeth rydyn ni’n ei wneud fel tîm yn parhau i gael ei seilio ar ein gwerthoedd, ar Gonfensiwn y CU ar Hawliau’r Plentyn, ac ar ein hegwyddorion fel rhan o’r Ffordd Gywir, sef Gwreiddio, Cydraddoldeb a Pheidio â Chamwahaniaethu, Grymuso, Cyfranogiad ac Atebolrwydd.

Bydd cynyddu gwelededd, amrywiaeth a hygyrchedd ein sefydliad hefyd yn sbardunau allweddol, yn ogystal â sicrhau bod ffocws i’n gwaith, bod y staff yn dal mewn cysylltiad â’n pwrpas, a’n bod ni’n gwneud y defnydd gorau o’r dystiolaeth rydyn ni’n ei chasglu er mwyn llywio ein gwaith dylanwadu.

Mae hwn yn gyfnod heriol a hanfodol i blant yng Nghymru, ac rwy’n edrych ymlaen at weithio’n adeiladol gyda chi yn ystod y flwyddyn sy’n dod, i wella bywydau plant. 

Rwy’n croesawu unrhyw adborth, neu os hoffech chi gwrdd i drafod unrhyw agwedd ar y strategaeth, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â’m tîm.

Cofion cynhesaf,

Rocio Cifuentes

Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board update – Diweddariad gan y Bwrdd Gweithredu Strategaeth Gwaith Ieuenctid

Diweddariad gan y Bwrdd Gweithredu Strategaeth Gwaith Ieuenctid – Awst 2023:

Fel y trafodwyd yn flaenorol gyda’r sector, bydd y Bwrdd yn rhoi diweddariad rheolaidd ar gynnydd bob 6 wythnos i sicrhau bod pawb yn cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am unrhyw ddatblygiadau.

Mae gwaith y Bwrdd yn parhau ar gyflymder yn ystod y cyfnod hwn. Hoffai Sharon ac aelodau’r Bwrdd ddiolch i chi am eich hymrwymiad parhaus wrth i ni fwrw ymlaen i weithredu’r argymhellion yn Mae’n Bryd Cyflawni. Gweler isod y diweddariad hwn:

1) Lansiwyd Sharon y Wobrau Rhagoriaeth Gwaith Ieuenctid ar gyfer eleni yn ystod wythnos gwaith ieuenctid ac mae’r enwebiadau bellach ar agor – mae gennych tan 29 Medi i wneud eich enwebiadau. Ceir gwybodaeth am y categorïau eleni yma: Am y gwobrau | LLYW.CYMRU. Dylech ystyried gwneud cais er mwyn dathlu’r holl waith ieuenctid gwych yng Nghymru a chydnabod yr unigolion sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl ifanc.

2) Cyfarfu’r grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen ar gyfer cryfhau’r ddeddfwriaeth ar gyfer gwaith ieuenctid yng Nghymru yn ystod mis Gorffennaf. Mae’r grŵp yn cynnwys Sharon Lovell, Lowri Jones, Shahinoor Alom, Jo Simms a Dr Simon Stewart. Mae Gethin Jones wedi dechrau ei secondiad gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi gwaith y Bwrdd yn y maes hwn. Rydym wedi bod yn datblygu ein syniadau a datblygu cynigion i’r Gweinidog ar sut i sicrhau bod y fframwaith deddfwriaethol yn cael ei gryfhau. Yn dilyn ystyriaeth y Gweinidog, ein nod yw rhannu rhagor o wybodaeth â chi ym mis Hydref.

Bydd y Bwrdd yn sicrhau ein bod yn ymgysylltu cynhwysfawr â’r sector yn sail i’r gwaith hwn fel bod unrhyw ddatblygiad yn parchu cyd-destunau lleol a’n bod yn cymryd ymagwedd sector gyfan trwy adeiladu o sefyllfa o gonsensws.

3) Mae llawer o’r Grwpiau Cyfranogiad Gweithredu (GCG) wedi cyflwyno eu cynlluniau gwaith a bydd swyddogion/y Bwrdd yn casglu’r camau hyn at ei gilydd i greu un Cynllun Gweithredu y byddwn yn ei rannu âchi yn yr Hydref. Rydym hefyd yn cynllunio digwyddiadau ymgysylltu ar gyfer pob un o ffrydiau gwaith y Grwpiau Cyfranogiad Gweithredu a byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi am y dyddiadau hyn.

4) Gan weithio gyda swyddogion, rydym wrthi’n trefnu i gynnal cyfarfod nesaf y Bwrdd yn Nhorfaen lle byddwn yn cyfarfod dros 2 ddiwrnod. Un o’r materion y byddwn yn eu trafod fydd rôl a chylch gwaith corff cenedlaethol. Rydym hefyd yn edrych ymlaen at ymweld ag ystod o ddarpariaethau ieuenctid o bob rhan o’r rhanbarth gyda’r nos ar 5ed Hydref.

5) Mae Swyddog Datblygu’r Gweithlu wedi’i benodi ac mae disgwyl iddo ddechrau yn y rôl ar 15 Medi. Bydd cyhoeddiad ffurfiol yn cael ei wneud gan Safonau Addysg Hyfforddiant yn fuan.

Mae’r Bwrdd yn edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda chi i gyd ymhellach wrth i ni symud ymlaen i’r Hydref.

Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board update – August 2023:

As previously discussed with the sector, the Board will be providing a regular update on progress every 6 weeks to ensure everyone has the latest information on developments.

The Boards work continues at speed during this time. Sharon and Board members wish to thank you for all your continued commitment as they drive forward the recommendations in Time to Deliver. Please find below the board’s updates in this addition:

1) Sharon recently launched the Youth Work Excellence Awards for this year during youth work week and the nominations are now open – you have until the 29th of September to make your nominations. Please find information on this year’s categories here: About the awards | GOV.WALES. Please do consider applying to have all the fantastic youth work in Wales celebrated and recognise the individuals making a difference to the lives of young people.

2) The strengthening legislation for youth work in Wales task and finish group have met during the month of July. This group includes Sharon Lovell, Lowri Jones, Shahinoor Alom, Jo Simms and Dr Simon Stewart. Gethin Jones has commenced his secondment with Welsh Government to support the Boards work in this area. We have been developing our thinking and developing proposals for the Minister to ensure the legislative framework is strengthened.

Following Ministerial consideration, we aim to share further information with you in October. The Board will ensure that comprehensive engagement with the sector underpins this work so that any development respects local contexts and that we take a whole sector approach and build from a position of consensus.

3) Many of the Implementation Participation Groups (IPGs) have submitted their work plans and officials/the Board will be collating these actions into one Implementation Plan which we will be sharing with you in the Autumn. We are also planning engagement events for each of the IPG workstreams and will keep you informed of these dates.

4) Working with officials we are putting together plans in Torfaen to host the next Board where we will be meeting over 2 days and one of our discussions will focus on the role and remit of a national body. We are also looking forward to visiting a range of youth provisions from across the region the evening of the 5th October.

5) A Workforce Development Officer has been appointed and is expected to start in the role on 15th September. There will be a formal announcement made by ETS soon.
The Board look forward to working with you all further as we move into the Autumn.

Belonging, engaging and participating | Perthyn, ymgysylltu a chyfranogi

Belonging, engaging and participating | GOV.WALES

Consultation description

We are consulting on draft guidance to ensure that:

  • it sets out approaches to help practitioners and partners to improve learner engagement and attendance and it is a useful, practical document
  • it outlines the important role of family and community engagement in securing improved engagement and attendance amongst learners
  • it provides an overview of current policies, principles and approaches that should be adopted in improving learner engagement and attendance

Perthyn, ymgysylltu a chyfranogi | LLYW.CYMRU

Disgrifiad o’r ymgynghoriad

Rydym yn ymgynghori ar ganllawiau drafft i sicrhau eu bod:

  • yn amlinellu dulliau gweithredu er mwyn helpu i wella lefelau ymgysylltu a phresenoldeb dysgwyr, ac mae’n ddogfen ddefnyddiol ac ymarferol
  • mae’n amlinellu rôl bwysig ymgysylltu â theuluoedd a’r gymuned wrth wella lefelau ymgysylltu a phresenoldeb ymhlith dysgwyr
  • yn rhoi trosolwg o’r polisïau cyfredol, egwyddorion a dulliau y dylid eu mabwysiadu wrth wella ymgysylltiad a phresenoldeb dysgwyr

Review of the code of practice for funding the third sector.

Dear all,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who were able to attend the meeting on Tuesday. The discussions and comments were extremely valuable and will help shape the next step in this process.

For those unable to attend, I have attached the various versions of the presentation we have available. There is also still time to contribute. You can provide answers to the questions posed in the presentation via e-mail to thirdsectorqueries@gov.uk  or by completing this survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/2LL62YH.

  • Einir, WCVA

Corporate Parenting Charter; The importance of youth work for care experienced young people.

Corporate Parenting Charter: the importance of youth work for care experienced young people

The Welsh Government is asking all public bodies and third sector organisations to sign up to the Corporate Parenting Charter for care experienced young people.

Sharon Lovell, CEO at NYAS Cymru, has been active in ensuring that youth workers are also aware of this as it mentions youth work sector committing to the charter as their promise to care experienced young people. 

For more details, click here:

Corporate parenting Charter | GOV.WALES

A declaration of radical reform for children and young people’s care | GOV.WALES


Leading Youth Work – Post Youth Work Week

Leading Youth Work

We celebrated Youth Work Week 2023 with a special event with pioneering leaders in the youth work sector.

Sharon Lovell MBE (NYAS Cymru), Marco Gil-Cervantes (ProMo-Cymru) and Gethin Jones (Ceredigion County Council) shared their leadership journeys within the youth work sector.

The speakers shared their own personal stories, strategic approaches to developing leadership and how they support young people across Wales.

Hosted by Gavin Gibbs (Senior Youth Lead, Torfaen Youth Service), Paul Glaze (Chief Executive, CWVYS) and the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales.

Follow this link to take a look at the recorded talk – Leading Youth Work – National Leadership Wales (nael.cymru)

National Executive Director, NYAS Cymru

Sharon was first introduced to youth work as a young person herself whilst attending a youth centre. She became actively involved in Youthlink Wales; a peer-led youth organisation that focused on educating and informing young people on drugs, alcohol, HIV/AIDS. This enabled her to work throughout Wales with voluntary and statutory youth services. In 1994 she graduated with a diploma in youth and community studies from Glyndwr University, Wrexham and went on to study for a degree in Birmingham University.

After graduating, she started working in a homeless hostel for young people. It was during this time that she realised that many of the young people she was working with had been in the care system. The interconnection between homelessness and the care system became apparent. She felt passionate about the injustices young people in care faced. This led her to move into the field of advocacy and children’s rights when she became an advocate for The Children’s Society; her role was to develop advocacy services for children and young people in local authorities. Sharon also has experience of working as a CEO for Cardiff Youth Service, establishing the Caerphilly Youth Information Centre and worked as a volunteer in her local youth centre and Wrexham Women’s Aid.

More recently, Sharon has helped shape the advocacy agenda and landscape for Wales; she has been instrumental in ensuring that advocacy became a statutory entitlement for all children and young people in Wales, developed advocacy services across Wales and has worked in partnership with Welsh Government, ADSS and WLGA to secure a national advocacy approach for statutory advocacy provision; thus ensuring all children and young people who come into care are given an active offer of advocacy. She is currently the National Executive Director for the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS). Sharon was awarded an MBE in 2020 for services to children and young people.

Marco Gil-Cervantes

Chief Executive, ProMo-Cymru

Marco has led ProMo-Cymru to become a leading social enterprise with a co-operative ethos. His expertise is in, social economics, cultural democracy and the empowerment of marginalised voices.

Under Marco’s leadership, ProMo-Cymru has developed a diverse range of forward thinking, transformational and innovative projects, with the aim of supporting young people and communities.

Marco is a long-standing executive member and treasurer of CWVYS, the Council for Wales Voluntary Youth Service, Chair of the Wales Internet Safety Partnership, Joint Chair of the Youth Work Joint Strategic Representative Group and Steering Group Member of Race Alliance Wales.

Marco was born in Andalucia, Spain and came to Wales at 4 years old with his Andalucian flamenco loving parents. Marco plays Touch Rugby and has played in senior teams for Wales in a World Cup and three European Cup Tournaments. He plays percussion in bands and cycles.

Gethin Jones

Corporate Manager, Support and Prevention Service, Ceredigion County Council

Gethin Jones began his career working with children and young people in the voluntary sector, before progressing into Youth and Community Work with Ceredigion County Council, where he has been employed for the past 10 years. Gethin has been fortunate to experience a range of different settings, including education and Pupil Referral Units; rural outreach, project management, community and stakeholder engagement, and has organised and managed a number of international youth exchanges. Gethin has over 5 years’ experience of managing different services and teams including school-based youth work, community youth work, school behaviour support, youth engagement and progression and youth justice service. Currently, Gethin is Corporate Manager for Support and Prevention Services in Ceredigion and has responsibility to lead 50 staff across 4 multi-disciplined teams and has established strong links and relationships with several partners across the public, voluntary and private sectors.

The New Curriculum for Wales – Associate Commission of the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales

Marco Gil Cervantes is an Associate on the National Academy for Education Leaderhship. NAEL. He is the second Associate from the Youth Work Sector.  Gavin Gibbs from Torfaen is the other associate and there is likely to be two more.

This allows great access to wider thinking taking place in the Educational Sectors and to ensure that the voice of the Youth Work Sector is included.

Every Cohort carries out a commission  –  Marco’s group is looking at the new Curriculum.

Initially a questionnaire has be created by the cohort group to gather information. They are asking if all interested individuals would be able to fill in the New Curriculum for Wales survey.

Marco is also happy to meet with any of you that would like to do so to ensure that the voice of the sector is present.

Please follow the link to the survey below!

Y Cwricwlwm Newydd i Gymru – Comisiwn Cymheiriaid yr Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol Cymru The New Curriculum for Wales – Associate Commission of the National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales (google.com)

NYAS Cymru Vacancies

Please could you kindly share with your contacts, our current vacancies in Wales, it would be appreciated – links below:

·        Parent Advocacy Project Coordinator Gwent (35 hrs) – Project Coordinator – Parent Advocacy (current-vacancies.com)

·        Participation Development Worker Cardiff (17 hrs) – Participation Development Worker (current-vacancies.com)

National Academy – Youth Work Leadership Case Studies

The National Academy for Educational Leadership has recently published two new Youth Work Leadership case studies: 

These case studies, from Ceredigion County Council – Support and Prevention Service & Torfaen Youth Service explore two of the Leading Professional Learning Hallmarks: Rooted in professional enhancement and improvement & Centred on supporting all learners and mindful of well-being,   These are our first case studies from the Youth Work Sector, and if you would like to promote your leadership practice, please contact Emma Chivers at  emma@ec-consultancy.co.uk or via mobile: 07886710277