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Urdd Peace and Goodwill Message
17th May 2024
Urdd Peace and Goodwill Message
Every year since 1922, the young people of Wales have shared a message of peace to their peers around the world. To this day, this is the only message of its kind in the world. It’s a valuable tradition that empowers the youth of Wales to create and inspire humanitarian activity internationally.
The message is created into a short film and will be available to share from the Urdd’s social media accounts on 17 May 24 | 7:30am BST.
2024 Theme:
This year’s Message honours the legacy of the Welsh Women’s Peace Petition of 1923-1924, signed by 390,296 women across Wales. A hundred years later, the young women of Wales reaffirm the need to advocate for peace. The message inspires us to act for peace. It emphasizes that war and violence is never the answer – encouraging us to lead and collaborate for a brighter future for everyone.
The Urdd kindly seek your support in amplifying this important video message on May 17th.
Today – Note the 17th of May in your calendar, and follow the Urdd on:
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok.
For further information:
- Download the Partner Pack
- Go here to our website.
Please email Luned Hunter (Urdd International Officer) – lunedhunter@urdd.org confirming that you’re happy to share the message on your social media accounts on the 17th of May, and Luned will email you the links to the posts on the morning of the 17th of May.
Together we can call for peace on 17 May 2024.
Thank you for your support.