Welcome to the Youth Work Wales calendar!

On behalf of the Youth Sector in Wales CWVYS manages a Calendar of events, which is hosted on our website.

If you’d like anything added or amended please send it to Helen@cwvys.org.uk

Children’s Mental Health Week

Place2Be launched the first ever Children’s Mental Health Week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. Now in its sixth year, we […]

Dydd Miwsig Cymru Welsh Language Music Day

P’un a ydych chi’n hoffi miwsig indi, roc, pync, ffync, gwerin, electronica, hip hop neu unrhyw beth arall, mae miwsig anhygoel yn cael ei greu yn y Gymraeg i chi […]

CWVYS North Wales Regional Meeting

If you would like to attend please RSVP to CWVYS Regional Coordinator Catrin James via Catrin@cwvys.org.uk

Safer Internet Day

Over the years, Safer Internet Day (SID) has become a landmark event in the online safety calendar. Starting as an initiative of the EU SafeBorders project in 2004 and taken […]

Self-Harm Awareness Day

More info here: https://youngminds.org.uk/get-involved/campaign-with-us/success-stories/self-harm-awareness-day/