Welcome to the Youth Work Wales calendar!

On behalf of the Youth Sector in Wales CWVYS manages a Calendar of events, which is hosted on our website.

If you’d like anything added or amended please send it to Helen@cwvys.org.uk

National Youth Work Conference

You can find more information about the Conference, including the Agenda and Workshop details by visiting https://www.cwvys.org.uk/2020-youth-work-conference/

Preventing Youth Homelessness 2020

End Youth Homelessness Cymru and the Wales Centre for Public Policy are jointly holding an event in Cardiff City Hall on 09/03/20. We will be joined by some very special guest speakers, including Stephen Gaetz (Professor and President of the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness), Melanie Redman (President & CEO - A Way Home Canada) and […]

No Smoking Day

More info here: https://ukpublichealthnetwork.org.uk/events/no-smoking-day-2020-03-13/

World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day® is designed to raise awareness of sleep as a human privilege that is often compromised by the habits of modern life. More info here: https://worldsleepday.org/

ASH Wales annual Wales Tobacco or Health Network (WTHN) Conference

“Stubbing out Smoking; Breathing new life into Workplace Wellbeing” This year we are focussing on Workplace Wellbeing.  Dr Llinos Haf Spencer from Bangor University will present findings from 2019 report, Wellness in Work and will demonstrate the latest evidence for the return on investment of supporting a healthy workforce.  We will also hear about the […]