Welcome to the Youth Work Wales calendar!

On behalf of the Youth Sector in Wales CWVYS manages a Calendar of events, which is hosted on our website.

If you’d like anything added or amended please send it to Helen@cwvys.org.uk

CWVYS Central South & South East Regional Meeting

CWVYS Regional Social ZOOM Meetings will be held every fortnight for voluntary youth work organisations.  During this unprecedented COVID-19 period, we believe it is important to reach out, connect and […]

Interim Youth Work Board Meeting

This meeting will take place in Pembrokeshire, for more details please contact Joel Hodson who is the Welsh Government contact on these groups, you can get in touch via joel.hodson@gov.wales […]

CWVYS North Wales Regional Meeting

CWVYS Regional Social ZOOM Meetings will be held every fortnight for voluntary youth work organisations.  During this unprecedented COVID-19 period, we believe it is important to reach out, connect and […]

South West and Mid Wales CWVYS Regional Social ZOOM Meeting

CWVYS Regional Social ZOOM Meetings will be held every fortnight for voluntary youth work organisations.  During this unprecedented COVID-19 period, we believe it is important to reach out, connect and […]

Learning Disability Week

Learning Disability Week is a great way to raise the awareness of learning disability across the UK. This year we are celebrating friendships and relationships.  This year it is a celebration […]

World Refugee Day

Around the world, communities, schools, businesses, faith groups and people from all walks of life are taking big and small steps in solidarity with refugees. This World Refugee Day, we […]

Youth Work Week with EYST

Today you can join EYST's Youth Forum via zoom from 3pm - For more info contact Shahab@eyst.org.uk