Here you can find information about the international learning exchange programme for Wales from the team:

Introducing Taith

Studying, volunteering or taking a work placement abroad broadens people’s horizons, expands their skills, and brings benefits to communities and organisations here in Wales.

Through the new Taith programme for international learning exchanges, we aim to give learners of all ages and from all backgrounds across Wales the chance to benefit from these opportunities.

Taith embeds an international approach into every level of our education system. It is for people in every part of Wales, and in every type of education – schools, further and vocational education, youth work, adult education or higher education. They will not only develop their own skills and experience, but will serve as Wales’ ambassadors to the world, carrying our message that Wales is outward-looking, collaborative, and open to educational innovation.

And, in exchange, we will bring students, learners and educators from around the world to Wales. They will enrich our education and youth sectors with new approaches and ideas and will bring even greater diversity and culture to classrooms and campuses in our bilingual country.


Key points;

  • Taith is Wales’ new international learning exchange programme, creating life-changing opportunities to travel, learn and experience.
  • It will support 15,000 people from Wales to go on exchanges over the first four years, with 10,000 people from all over the world coming to study, train, volunteer or work in Wales.
  • The programme will be open to learners, volunteers, and staff in education settings of all kinds.



You can find them on Social media, please give them a follow so they can build their audience and more people in Wales will get the chance to hear about this exciting new programme.


#WorldOfOpportunityWales 🌍