Brighter Futures (formerly Rhyl Youth Group) was established thanks to the support of local young people and adults working together over the past few years to build the confidence of young people.
Brighter Futures has a committee with 5 young people, 4 junior members and advisory members from the Police, youth workers, community workers, residents and organisations such as Street Games UK, Sported and Empower be the change, that help us grow and develop. We have been running in West Rhyl for a number of years and recently become a constituted group. We have been members of the CWVYS network since 2018, and are a registered doorstep sports club.
Our mission is to support young people in Rhyl, especially those who need us most. We will run activities and projects to enable everyone to realise their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders.
We provide Community and Youth led activities and services for young people in Rhyl.