Situated in the centre of Cwmbran town, Cwmbran Centre for young People (CCYP) is accessible for all young people in the local area and cater for any young person from any social or economic background.
The centre also provides a resource base for groups working with young people that include Youth Offending Services, Social Services, Torfaen Training and other training providers, local schools and other community and voluntary services that support young people.
We are also able to provide a wide range of courses through ASDAN and Agored Cymru plus qualifications in Essential Skills Wales. The centre also has a number of sustainable social enterprise projects, Butterflies crèche which provides childcare for children between the ages of 3 months and 5 years and caters for young single parents. We also provide lunch clubs which are located within the local community and provide lunches to senior citizens and a kitchen which provides affordable meals for young people and a male football team.