Duffryn Community Link is a Community based organisation founded by local residents for the community, established in 1998 Duffryn Community Link has an established record of accomplishment of direct delivery and working in strong partnerships in support of communities in the Newport area. It was established to relieve poverty and social inclusion as well as improving wellbeing and living conditions for the communities throughout the Tredegar Park area in Newport.

Duffryn Community Link priorities support to the most vulnerable families and residents, we seek to involve and empower residents in developing services for all ages throughout the community.
Duffryn Community Link operates the following support projects throughout the Tredegar Park area;

  • Woodlands Routes to Wellbeing โ€“ this project was established with Big Lottery funding to support woodland skills with children and Young People and improve the woodland environment in and around the Duffryn area through creating positive attitudes with local residents to the environment which surrounds the community.


  • Food Bank โ€“ in a partnership with Fair-Share our weekly foodbank operates out of our headquarters based at the Forest Family Centre on the Duffryn estate.


  • Covid 19 Community Support โ€“ during lockdown our staff were diverted off our projects to help distribute food-parcels and take-away meals to those people shielding and other vulnerable households as well as prescription collection for those shielding. The project has been responsible for distributing over 100 additional food parcels per week at the height of the lockdown period.


  • Child-care provision โ€“ Duffryn Community link operates a fully registered child-care provision which includes Day-care, Breakfast Club, After-school club as well as Holiday Club. This was extended during the Summer to for up to 40 children for key-workers in the community.


  • Youthwork in the Community โ€“ Duffryn Community Link operates centre-based Youthwork provision in the area with twice weekly sessions for young people (30 -40 attending), this was adapted during lockdown to a virtual online youth club on Skype. Our youth-workers also work closely with young people from the area through our work in local schools as well as Fit and Fed during School holidays. Our youth-staff operate a detached youthwork provision looking to engage with the harder to reach young people. DCL youth-staff are working in three Newport schools to support young people in school and provide the best possible basis for their wellbeing and supporting their education.


  • Community Support โ€“ Duffryn Community Link supports the community with its Community Engagement Co-ordinator who works with provision which includes Health & Fitness project, linking with the community and other agencies from both the voluntary and statutory sectors to support issues within the community including mental health, carers, access to employment and supporting other organisations in their delivery throughout the Tredegar Park Area.