Learning Disability Wales is a national charity representing the learning disability sector in Wales. We want Wales to be the best country in the world for people with a learning disability to live, learn and work.
We work with people with a learning disability and their families, Welsh government, local authorities, disabled people’s organisations and the voluntary sector so we can create a better Wales for all people with a learning disability.
How we do this:
Informing – we keep you up-to-date with all the important news and issues, while our Easy Read Wales team make sure that new policies and resources are accessible and easy to understand
Training – we provide a wide variety of training courses and deliver events to help people understand and have their say on new issues and consultations
Representing and challenging – our policy team make sure that the voices of people with a learning disability are heard and responded to.
Innovating – ensuring new or better service models are introduced for people with a learning disability. Our current projects include Engage to Change (helping young people aged 16-15 get into sustained employment) and Gig Buddies Cymru (tackling loneliness by pairing up adults with and without a learning disability who share the same interests so they can attend gigs and events together).