CASCADE’s mission is to improve the well-being, safety and rights of children and their families. We do this by generating new knowledge about…
Circus Eruption is the UKs first integrated youth circus and we have been working with young people facing a variety…
The Community Youth Work team at Community House Eton Road provides a safe space for young people in Newport where…
Community Music Wales is Wales’s leading music charity. We are a community arts organisation with 25 years experience of delivering…
Crimestoppers is an independent UK charity helping law enforcement agencies to locate ciminals and to solve crimes. Fearless is a…
CUBE, part of Heroes Rights Ltd, is a new, cooperative community support centre: Community United Barry 4 Everyone . We…
Situated in the centre of Cwmbran town, Cwmbran Centre for young People (CCYP) is accessible for all young people in the local…
CWVYS (the Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services) is the independent representative body for the voluntary youth work sector…
CYCA is a registered children's charity that operates throughout the County of Carmarthenshire and beyond. In existence since 1980, we…
Cyfannol Women’s Aid supports people across Gwent who have experienced any form of violence against women, domestic abuse, or sexual…
Dal Dy Dir is a Charity Incorporated Organisation based in Wales. Begining in 2016 following extensive consultation with families, communities…
Denbigh Youth Project is a young people led organisation in Denbigh, North Wales, offering free confidential advice, information and support, based…