Newport Live is a not-for-profit sport, leisure, arts, and cultural trust and registered UK charity.
The organisation was established in April 2015 and has an excellent track record of working in partnership, attracting sporting and non-sporting funds, and in operating local regional, and national leisure facilities such as the Wales National Velodrome.
Newport Live’s vision is to ‘inspire people to be happier and healthier’ and we do this daily through our early intervention, youth engagement, school sport, community cohesion, health and wellbeing, sports development, and disability and inclusion programmes funded by partners such as Sport Wales, Disability Sport Wales, Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, Active Communities Network, StreetGames, Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, Alliance of Sport ‘Levelling the Playing Fields Project’ and through contract work supporting Newport City Council with education, social services, youth services, youth justice service, preventions, and community development projects and interventions.
The Community Sport & Wellbeing department leads all our ‘community’ programmes in Newport but also wider with partners across Gwent. The department includes a Community Sports Development team (Sport Wales), Positive Futures team (Police & Crime Commissioner), Health & Wellbeing (Families First/HAF), and Disability and Inclusion.
Positive Futures is one such programme which is highly regarded across Wales and the UK with partners such as the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, Sport Wales, Active Communities Network, StreetGames, Alliance of Sport, and a host of local authority services and contracts such as alternative education, youth services, youth justice service, community development, preventions, and education.
Positive Futures is a sport-based youth inclusion programme, which started in Newport over 18 years ago with Home Office funding, continuing then with Police & Crime Commissioner funding on their establishment, to now having grown the programme across 4 local authority areas in Caerphilly, Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, and Monmouthshire with the potential to go Wales wide one day.
Positive Futures is the main programme classed as ‘youth work’ and although it uses sport and physical activity as the hook and engagement tool, alongside our health and wellbeing programmes (e.g. mental health), community sports development (e.g. poverty, holiday hunger BAME, inclusion), it is very much about working with Community Safety partners and being a problem solving service to reactionary and planned programmes, projects and interventions across Newport and Gwent that impact on improving communities and the loves of children and young people, and their families.
Positive Futures works in 3 x distinct pillars:
- 1:1 work with referred children and young people
- Group work with identified education schools and pupils
- Communities as diversionary sport and youth engagement activity sessions in areas of high poverty and high levels of anti-social behaviour and crime
Reporting and outcomes are through Substance Views, and we report across Gwent to partners on Active Gwent with Sport Wales and Sports Development/Youth Service colleagues as well as specifically to funded projects and programmes such as to Newport City Council, Welsh Government, and the Public Service Board partners and groups
We offer a wide range of issue based workshops to schools and communities.
We are trained in sport and youth work with most Senior Officers and Officers having both Sport related and Youth and Community related qualifications, degrees and masters; as well as a variety of training themselves on ACEs, Dealing with Challenging Behaviour, Team Teach, Sports Leadership, National Governing Body of Sport qualifications in coaching sport, etc..
We have rooms available in our leisure facilities and the Riverfront theatre, and a marketing ,PR, and graphic design team as an organisation (Newport Live).