The Senghenydd Youth Drop In Centre (SYDIC) is a charitable status company limited by guarantee set up in 1997 to listen to, engage with, encourage and help the young people aged 11-25 years of the Aber Valley to make positive contributions to their community.
The centre offers a wide range of services and activities for young people 12 hours a day most days of the week. These include;
Drop-In facilities for 11-17 year olds, to identify individual or group problem areas and provide positive workable solutions
An appropriate curriculum service to excluded school age pupils of local schools
Out of School hours activities (youth club activities, homework club, IT and computer gaming, environmental group, healthy living & fitness, etc)
Leisure activities and pastimes for disengaged young people
In partnership with local statutory services provide educational/careers guidance
Provide a contact point for local agencies that provide support for young people
Drugs and alcohol advice guidance and support
Counselling support for young people including signposting to partner organisations
C-Card (condom provision) in the worst area for teenage pregnancy in Europe for 14years+ (also signposting for under 14’s requiring help and support)
Performance and visual arts and Crafts including dance, music, pottery, painting, printing, woodcrafts, story writing, poetry etc
Holiday time activities and projects for young people including summer schemes, fetes, fares and carnivals
Democratically elected Youth Committee who take an active part in the running of the centre
Opportunities for members to be part of planning and delivering the community action plan including participation in community events and activities
Resources, help, advice and guidance for older members 17-25 year including work experience and work placement
SYDIC is an active member of the Aber Valley Communities First Partnership and the County Boroughs Children and Young Peoples Partnership, along with being an active member of the local county voluntary council (GAVO) including sitting on their local management committee.
At present SYDIC chairs the Voluntary Sectors Young Persons Network and has membership of the CCBC Young Persons Forum and the Wales Assembly Governments Funky Dragon Forum through our active democratically elected youth committee including an elected Youth Director who sits on the SYDIC board of trustees.