At Awen, students spend time discovering their talents and passions. They begin to sketch out a plan for their future and identify the entry requirements to gain access to the next stage of their journey.

For students who wish to go to college this will likely include a number of GCSE or equivalent qualifications dependent on their preferred institution’s entry requirements (5 GCSEs including English and Mathematics is a fairly common set) and their portfolio will provide a far richer demonstration of their strengths and achievements to date.

Since 2019, our students have put on public art exhibitions, filmed a production of Macbeth, transformed trash collected in the woods into monster sculptures, built an online school, hosted a Wild Banquet in the woods, produced and performed a production of the Letter Killers Club they wrote together. They write poetry and paint watercolours in the forest; they learn to identify plants and observe seasonal changes in an ecosystem that they are a part of. They learn history and languages, economics and psychology.

None of this is untested or even revolutionary, this is he way learning is facilitated in schools across the globe that are seen as world leaders in education.