Ynysybwl Regeneration Partnership is a small community organisation covering the RCTCBC ward of Ynysybwl and Coed-y-cwm.
Ynysybwl lies in a small valley, five miles north of Pontypridd and stands at a southern ‘gateway’ into the St Gwynno Forest, one of the largest forests in Wales. The village sits within astoundingly beautiful countryside alongside a small river valley. It is situated in the Cynon Valley and borders Rhondda Fach. YRP is a registered charity, a not-for-profit company, and a development trust.
The organisation was incorporated in July 2005, and it has nine trustees and three staff members. Community assets developed through the Vision for the Valley is supported by twenty-six volunteers. YRP’s work is underpinned by ‘Asset Based Community Development’ which is a localised and bottom-up way of strengthening communities through recognising, identifying and harnessing existing ‘assets’ (i.e., skills, knowledge, capacity, resources, experience or enthusiasm) that individuals and communities have which can help to strengthen community cohesion and resilience. Our projects are varied, and many involve families, children, and young people.
We are currently developing a community hub, situated on a lovely bit of green space in the heart of Ynysybwl. It will be complete mid to late 2024. This will be an excellent venue for gatherings and learning.