The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust is Open to Receive Application from LOCAL Groups Seeking Funding.
The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust was established through an agreement between the Millennium Stadium and the Millennium Commission and its income is generated through a levy on every ticket purchased by people attending public events at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.
The Trust strives to enrich the quality of life in Welsh communities by investing in inspirational sporting, arts, environmental and community-based projects that will have a lasting impression on the people who will benefit.
The Trust achieves this by issuing grants to voluntary and charitable organisations throughout Wales.
The Closing date for receiving Local Applications is noon on 10.01.2020 Trustees will meet 19.03.2020
Applicants may apply for up to £2,500.00 for grants where the projects remit will serve their local community or town.
Please visit the website for details and to down load an application form: www.millenniumstadiumtrust.co.uk
For queries relating to this round please contact Sarah Fox at: FoxSE Consultancy on Tel: 029 20 022 143 or Email: sarah@foxseconsultancy.co.uk or msct@foxseconsultancy.co.uk