Vacancies with CWVYS members
25th June 2021
A number of CWVYS members are advertising vacancies this month. Adoption UK are looking for an Administrative Officer; Adoption UK is the leading charity providing support, community, and advocacy for all those parenting or supporting children who cannot live with their birth parents. We connect adoptive families, provide information and signposting on a range of…
Renew and Reform well-being and progression plan
18th June 2021
This week the 'Renew and Reform: Supporting learners’ well-being and progression plan' was launched. It was accompanied by a Written Statement from the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language Jeremy Miles, who also has Youth Work in his portfolio. He said of the plan, that it "brings together and builds on the successful interventions…
Adoption UK Support Worker Vacancy
17th June 2021
Children and Young People Support Worker Adoption UK is the leading charity providing support, community, and advocacy for all those parenting or supporting children who cannot live with their birth parents. Their vision is for an equal chance of a bright future for every child unable to live with their birth parents. They currently have…
Mapping and Evaluating the Voluntary Youth Work Sector for Wales
11th June 2021
The Faculty of Life Sciences and Education at the University of South Wales is offering the opportunity for a candidate to complete a study of "Mapping and Evaluating the Voluntary Youth Work Sector for Wales" Details; Annual Stipend: £11.8k p.a Application Deadline: Midnight Sunday 25th July 2021 This is a funded MbyRes, including a generous stipend and tuition fees, with well-resourced circumstances…
Youth Work Week – Share Your Stories
10th June 2021
This is an important message regarding Youth Work Week, Ellie Parker has been working hard (in such a short space of time!) to create a resource pack for the whole youth work sector, to make it easy for you to share your stories and get involved online during Youth Work Week. All the information is…
Welsh Youth Parliament Resumes
3rd June 2021
The second Welsh Youth Parliament election campaign has launched today (the 3rd of June 2021)! Voter registration is open, and youth organisations are encouraged to apply to become official Welsh Youth Parliament partner organisations for the new term. You can find a timeline of key dates as well of other important information about the Welsh…
Youth Work Summary table of Covid-19 restrictions
28th May 2021
Youth Work Summary table of restrictions at each alert level; The table in this RAG Guidance document has been developed by the Youth Work Sector to support the delivery of Youth Work provision to young people in Wales at each alert level The current alert level for Wales can be found here - At…
Views sought on new Curriculum guidance
21st May 2021
The Welsh Government has opened a consultation on additional guidance for the new Curriculum for Wales. The eight-week consultation includes further draft guidance and a code for teaching of Relationships and Sexuality Education and Religion, Values and Ethics. Links to the consultation documents: English: The following eight areas are now open for consultation: Relationships…
Loads of jobs at Urdd Gobaith Cymru
20th April 2021
Fantastic news to share this week from CWVYS members Urdd Gobaith Cymru, they’re recruiting for 60 jobs across Wales! The details can be found here; You can also find information on their social media pages, you’re very welcome to share;
Adult Learning Wales is Recruiting!
16th April 2021
The Youth Community and Playwork Team at Addysg Oedolion Cymru / Adult Learning Wales is recruiting for Part Time Associate Tutors to teach on the Youth Support Worker Qualifications. They deliver these qualifications to youth workers across Wales. There is a good demand for their courses and there is a need to expand the pool…
Welsh Government statement on Coronavirus restrictions;
9th April 2021
The Welsh Government has issued a written statement with coverage in the media on the latest easing of restrictions; We understand that Wales will be moving into Alert Level 3 on May 17th - We are in dialogue with Welsh Government with matters members have raised with us concerning youth work provision and COVID…
Job Vacancy
25th March 2021
CWVYS are looking for a Marketing & Communications Officer to work on behalf of the entire youth work sector in Wales. We are looking for a creative and skilled person who will lead on delivering a step-change in support of the marketing and communications needs of the whole youth work services sector. Applicants are invited…