Tudalennau werth cadw lygaid ar:
Mae datganiad dyddiol gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ar Covid-19 i’w weld ar eu gwefan. Maen nhw hefyd wedi rhyddhau nifer o
adnoddau a chanllawiau defnyddiol.
Mae gwefan Comisiynydd Plant Cymru bellach yn cynnwys cronfa o wybodaeth a chyngor.
Mae Galw Iechyd Cymru wedi lansio gwiriwr symptomau ar-lein sydd ar gael ar eu gwefan.
Mae Money Saving Expert yn cynhyrchu canllawiau cyngor ariannol ar-lein ar faterion sy’n cynnwys Morgeisi a dyledion eraill, cymorth wrth rentu, ychwanegu at eich ynni a mwy.
Help i’r rheini sy’n dioddef camdriniaeth ddomestig – Mae’r llinell gymorth Byw Heb Ofn ar gael 24 awr y dydd – ffoniwch nhw am ddim ar 0808 8010 800 unrhyw bryd, os ydy hi’n ddiogel ichi wneud hynny. Gallwch hefyd anfon neges destun 0786 007 7333 neu e-bost info@livefearfreehelpline.wales neu gael we-sgwrs. Os nad oes gennych le diogel i siarad, ond bod angen help arnoch chi ar unwaith, bydd heddluoedd ledled Cymru’n gallu ymateb i alwad 999 tawel – deialwch 999 ac yna 55 i ddangos nad ydych yn gallu siarad ond bod angen help arnoch chi.
Cyngor ar Bopeth: Beth mae coronafeirws yn ei olygu i chi
Gwybodaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynghylch plant agored i niwed a diogelu yn ystod y pandemig coronafeirws.
Meic Cymru yw’r llinell gymorth eiriolaeth, gwybodaeth a chyngor ar gyfer plant yng Nghymru, sy’n helpu plant Cymru trwy bandemig y coronafeirws. Mae modd cysylltu â nhw trwy eu llinell gymorth Rhadffôn ar 080880 23456, eu gwasanaeth testun am ddim ar 84001, a’u gwasanaeth sgwrsio ar-lein trwy eu gwefan.
Pages worth Bookmarking
A daily statement by Public Health Wales on the Covid-19 outbreak can be found on their website. They have also released a number of useful resources and guidance.
Welsh Goverment have a dedicatied webpage for advice, news and resources on the Covid-19 outbreak.
The Children’s Commissioner for Wales website now has an information hub for information and advice.
NHS Direct have launched an online symptom checker.
Money Saving Expert is producing financial advice guides online on subject matters including Mortgages & other debts, rental help, energy top-ups & more.
Support for victims of Domestic Abuse – The Live Fear Free helpline is available 24 hours a day – call free on 0808 8010 800 any time, if you can do it safely. You can also text 0786 007 7333, email info@livefearfreehelpline.wales or webchat -If you can’t talk in safety, but you need help immediately, police forces across Wales will respond to a silent 999 call – dial 999 followed by 55 to indicate that you can’t talk, but need help.
Citizen’s Advice: What coronavirus means for you
Meic Cyrmu is the advocacy, information and advice helpline for children in Wales, helping the children of Wales through the coronavirus pandemic. They are contactable through their Freephone helpline on 080880 23456, free text service on 84001, and their online chat service via their website.