Practitioners’ work is highly valued
The Conference was intended to pay tribute to the value of youth work practitioners – those paid and unpaid experts in the field who deliver absolutely vital work day in, day out on behalf of and with young people across the whole of Wales.
But practitioners aren’t just for Conferences…they’re every day, forever.
Practitioners need to be supported
It’s one thing to say we treasure them but practitioners need support in many ways to enable them to carry out their roles to the best of their abilities.
From investing in workforce development equitably across the whole sector to ensuring access to learning opportunities and reflective practice to their emotional wellbeing and mental health to celebrating their immensely positive impact on young people and their communities of Wales to having their voices heard and acted upon, practitioners deserve to be supported.
Working together creates positive results
It was wonderful to see so many non-youth work stallholders enjoyably engaged in learning about youth work and for our sector to find out more about the myriad opportunities which exist ‘out there’

Potential partnerships abound
Building on last year’s significant investment, the Minister again identified £10M in the budget for 2020/21 Youth Support Grant, which is hugely welcome and provides a real platform for meaningful partnerships
Clearly, the challenge now is for the whole sector to deliver a truly collaborative programme of youth work services which meets the needs of young people across Wales.
Momentum is key
It is really important to acknowledge the incredible pace and intelligence at which the members of the Interim Youth Work Board, Welsh Government officials and the sector has been working to establish the Youth Work Strategy for Wales and its subsequent implementation.
As it builds, the momentum needs to ensure that it doesn’t leave in its slipstream those parts of the sector which are unable to engage as readily as it would like due to a lack of capacity, time, resources or knowledge. It’s critical that the whole sector moves forward together and doesn’t leave anyone behind.

It’s good to talk! (and to listen)
Keith Towler, Kirsty Williams, Workshops, Professional Practice Talks, World Café…Empowering…Expressive…Inclusive…Participative…Educative
Wonderful to witness 360 people talking, listening and thinking about youth work. The talents, abilities and camaraderie on display were a sight to behold.