The CWVYS Safeguarding sub-group received a very informative presentation by Hannah Williams (Improvement & Development Manager at Social Care Wales – SCW).
This document provides an outline of the National Safeguarding Standards: National Safeguarding Training Standards Launch Presentation Bilingual (002) CS (002)
In addition:
- SCW be will be looking into the sufficiency of training available to the third sector and identify any plans they may have in helping to support this. If anyone has specific queries, they can direct them to
The open access Group A e-learning is available here and SCW is currently working on exporting this to the Social Care Wales website.
The training framework will be launched in late Spring. This will outline learning objectives against each group along with guidance on the skills and experience of trainers delivering the learning. Organisations are still able to deliver training in house and often this can be an excellent way of adapting bespoke learning to the nature of the services being delivered.
- Here is a link to the webpage that contains lots of information on the new standards National safeguarding training, learning and… | Social Care Wales
- Using this link, Groups summary | Social Care Wales at the top of the page there is an option to view the groups in a table. This is a useful resource to help organisations consider which group of training different roles might fit into. It’s also important to remember that little has changed in terms of the content of safeguarding training, there will be some developments building on the latest evidence but much of the existing training content that is of good standard will just be able to be designated as learning resources for the relevant group. The training framework which identifies the learning objectives for each group will make this much clearer and is due out late spring.