Manon is working on the next issue of the Welsh Government’s Youth Work Bulletin


If you’d like to know more about the Bulletin, including how to contribute, please contact Marketing and Communications Officer for the Youth Sector in Wales, Manon Williams, via 

The deadline for submissions for the next issue is the 17th June

The latest Welsh Government Youth Work Bulletin is now live on the website. You can view it here: Youth Work Bulletin: Now Available! (

For previous issues of the Bulletin please see this page: Youth work newsletters | GOV.WALES

If you would like to receive future issues directly you can subscribe here: Subscribe to the youth work newsletter | GOV.WALES

The Bulletin is just one part of the Welsh Government Youth Engagement Branch’s Youth Work Marketing and Communications Programme for 2024 – 2025 which you can find here; Youth work – marketing prog 2425 (dwyieithog bilingual)

You might be interested to know that the team plan on developing a network of Youth Work Champions throughout the year to showcase innovation, expanding on the theme ‘Why Youth Work’. If you know of a project that you’d like to highlight, please get in touch with