We’d like to share an invitation from the Youth Work Wales team;

📢 Calling all youth work organisations, practitioners and young people 📢

Come and take over the @YouthWorkinWales or @IeuenctidCymru accounts for a day! We’re excited to announce a social media takeover dedicated to celebrating this year’s Youth Work Week 🌟

Between the 23-30th June we’re inviting different social media accounts to TAKE OVER our feed. We want to hear from YOU! 🗣️ Share your stories, experiences, and thoughts on why youth work matters. How has it shaped your life? Why is it important for our community? What difference has it made?

👉 Send us an email via manon@cwvys.org.uk or branwen@cwvys.org.uk outlining what you’d like to see during a social media takeover and for further details. 💪